Annual Dinner, Final Reminder

This is a final reminder that the Annual Dinner takes place on Saturday 5th March, at the Princess Royal in Runfold, near Farnham.  I am pleased to say that we already have over 50 attendees, but there is plenty of space for more.  If you would like to come along, please e-mail me ( with your menu choices by Saturday 20th February at the latest.  Any later, and although I will try to fit you in, I cannot guarantee it. 
I would stress that this is very much a social occasion for all, not just regular riders, but most certainly also for partners.  There will entertainment laid on to suit the nature of the occasion, as well as the presentation of the awards.

Ride Wednesday 20 January

The forecast for tomorrow is that it will again be very cold overnight, and although not above freezing until some time in the morning, it should be sunny.
Personally, I may well bring the bike in the car to the start at Mayford (note the alternative arrangements for the grade 2’s) and then assess whether the roads appear to be free of ice and therefore safe to ride; I will cancel, amend, or delay the ride if they are not.  I will certainly be there. 
If you plan to cycle to the start, please make your own assessment earlier in the morning and only do so if you consider it to be safe.

Midweek Wayfarers Annual Lunch

The Midweek Wayfarers Annual Lunch will take place tomorrow, and is always a well attended event, which enables all ride groups to get together, as well as those who, for one reason or another, are not currently riding.  For the riders, the start will be at Ripley, followed by coffee at Polesden Lacey.  Thereafter, the separate groups will make their different ways to lunch at The King William IV at West Horsley.  In this way we should arrive at different times, which will no doubt help the pub with their catering; you can order food upon arrival, no pre-booking is required.   Non riders may wish to arrive at the pub between about 12.30 and 1.30 and enjoy a purely social occasion.
The weather looks as though it should be pretty good tomorrow, although rather chilly, so wrap up warm and I hope to see you there.

Nick Higgin

Many of those who attended the New Year’s Day gathering yesterday (and there was a really good crowd I am pleased to say) will have known that there was an unfortunate incident on the ride from Mayford Green that day.  There was a very low speed collision, but it resulted in Nick Higgin falling to the ground before he was able to unclip.  He was taken to the Royal Surrey, where it was discovered that he had fractured his femur.  They were able to operate the same day, and I am pleased to report that he is well and already looking forward to the time when he can be back on his bike.  I am sure that we all wish him well for a speedy recovery.
My thanks to all those who helped at the scene, and particularly Roger Philo and Phil Hamilton, who have also visited Nick in hospital and have each been able to provide some first hand experience of what recovery entails as well, no doubt, as a great deal of empathy.