WSCC Club Dinner and Awards, Friday 14 March

As advertised on Spond and by email the annual WSCC dinner and awards evening will take place on Friday 14 March, at Hoebridge Golf Club, Old Woking GU22 8JH

 The event is open to all club members and you are also very welcome to bring along guests to this sociable evening to enjoy good food, good company, a chance for the whole club to get together to celebrate another successful year and find out who has won this year’s awards. It may be you!

 This is an informal event but there will be a short presentation after dinner at which the awards will be made of the various club trophies to mark the achievements of members who have contributed the most during the last year in leading club rides and participating in our activities.

The full menu for the dinner, which will be served at 7.30,  is shown below.

Last year we attracted around 50 guests to the event and we hope to match, or exceed, that number this year. 

The prices are as follows:

2 courses:        £23.50

3 courses:        £26.00

There is also flexibility to accommodate special dietary requirements, including a vegetarian main course, so if you, or a guest, would like to attend but cannot choose from the attached menu, please let me know as soon as possible and I will contact the venue to explore the options.

In previous years the club has subsidised the event by paying the room hire charge, as there is no separate room hire charge this year the committee have taken the decision to subsidise the cost of meals and the prices above reflect an approximate discount of 25% on the charge made by the venue.

The club bar will be available for the purchase of drinks but please note it does not accept cash, cards only.

Places at the dinner will be secured by payment to the club bank account,  please email with your food choices and he will let you have details of the club bank account for payment and confirm your choices when payment has been received.

Your menu choices and payment will need to be received by Monday 17th February 2025 to meet the Hoebridge Golf Club deadline for orders and payment.

Russ Mantle’s funeral

Russ’s funeral will be at 1.30 p.m. on Friday June 9th at Aldershot Crematorium, followed by a wake at ‘The Princess Royal’ in Runfold.
If you wish to attend please let me know, so that I can pass that information along to Roger, Russ’s brother, via Jim Parker, Farnham RC.

Russell Mantle

cover of Cycle magazine showing Russ Mantle leading a club ride

Russ leading a club run

Russ Mantle died aged 86 on 1st May after several years of deteriorating health. He will perhaps be longest remembered for his achievement of a long held ambition, to cycle one million miles during his lifetime. As a teenager he took up cycling with Farnham Road Club, turning in some outstanding time trial performances. He also discovered the joys of cycle touring, exploring the lanes and building up an encyclopedic knowledge of wherever his wheels took him. He became a mainstay of West Surrey CTC, serving as Runs Secretary for 21 years and principal ride leader of the fast section (variously named General Section, Hardriders etc). He was a very good ride leader, planning a wide variety of routes, which he was able to modify on the fly to maintain the schedule of stops as closely as possible. He also organised and led Youth Hostel tours, a couple a year maybe. He was a good photographer too, winning prizes in our photographic competitions and presenting excellent slide shows of his tours, both club and solo. The latter were often to the mountains he loved, the Lake District, the Alps and even the Rockies. He won our all-rounder trophy, the Benstead Cup, an exceptional eight times, winning or being highly placed in the many component competitions. He was awarded the Bernard Howell Memorial Trophy having been voted the member who had contributed most to the club during 1980-81, and more recently the Golden Crank for his million miles, and he was elected a Vice-President for 2021-22. The late Paul Gillingham wrote a long article about him in the very last club magazine (starting on p.17).

Photo competition 2023

PHOTO COMPETITION – WSCC cycling in the lock-down years
We are again inviting entries to our Photo competition. The theme this year is “WSCC cycling in the lock-down years”, so any photos you’ve taken on club rides taken since March 2020 are eligible.
So please submit them to me ( ) as soon as possible (latest date 22 March) as we will be announcing the winner at the Club Dinner on Friday 24 March
 If you haven’t got any suitable photos, there’s still time to get out on your bike and start snapping!
Previous winners:

2018 winner

2019 winner