On June 16th 2024, the club ran the Elstead Audaxes which hadn’t run since 2019. The event was run by 15 great club members who worked hard before the day and on the day itself. 

There are 3 events that all start (and finish) from Elstead Village Hall. 

  • Nearly Stonehenge (200k) with 30 entrants
  • Danebury (150k) with 16 entrants
  • Overton (100k) with 37 entrants

On the day itself the participants were treated to light refreshments before they left and when they returned, all delivered with the customary cheerful smiles from WSCC members. 

The routes took the riders into Hampshire and Wiltshire and the weather was overall dry which was a blessing given the downpours of the previous days. 

Very positive feedback was received from participants, many of whom said they look forward to the event next year. A number of club members also rode the Danbury and the Overton and it is hoped more club members will participate in the future. 

Next year the club is planning to hold the Elstead Audaxes on June 8th 2025, so save the date and spread the word.