As announced at the AGM, this years’ photo competition was won by Alan Mayger with this photo:
The other entries can be seen here

As announced at the AGM, this years’ photo competition was won by Alan Mayger with this photo:
The other entries can be seen here
Please note that the start of the AGM has been put back to 10:45am to avoid a clash with the Rugby World Cup final. Please come and watch the match first if you like at the Jack Phillips.
A reminder that everyone is invited to the AGM, to be held at the Jack Phillips, Godalming at 10:00am. All the relevant documents can be downloaded from here
A motion will be proposed at the forthcoming AGM for the club’s name to change to ‘West Surrey Cycling Club’. Proposed by Derek Ridyard and Seconded by Nick Davison. The AGM will be held on Saturday 2nd November at the Jack Phillips in Godalming at 10am.
Most of you will have received an email from Derek Ridyard on behalf of the committee including a paragraph on a proposal to change the name of our club to West Surrey Cycling Club. Most clubs calling themselves ‘X.. Y.. Cycling Club’ are wholly or mainly concerned with racing, and I suggest that our name could, or maybe should, differentiate us from them, by including the word ‘Leisure’ for example.
‘West Surrey Leisure Cycling Club’ is a word longer – maybe too long.
‘West Surrey Leisure Cyclists’ loses the word ‘club’ which we might prefer to keep.
Maybe you have a better idea.
Just food for thought.