WMW’s Wey and Thames Towpath Ride

Laurie gives the group briefing

August is being a bit funny this year, weatherwise, and today was a typical example of the sort of muggy dull days we’ve been getting recently. (My photos also seem to get a bit fuzzy too so apologies for this.) Fortunately, there’s usually a bit of fine weather thrown in at some point each day, and in the case of today, it came at around lunchtime, so we enjoyed at least half of our ride today in pleasant sunshine.

This was our annual jaunt up the towpath of the Wey Navigation to Weybridge, where the Thames is reached, and which we then pedal along all the way to Richmond. An eatery is then found – usually expensive in this part of the world – after which we return, taking a slight shortcut through Bushey Park, back to where we started. It’s a great ride and somewhat different from our usual offerings in that we have the chance to dust off our off-road machines (if we have one) and ride on dirt for much of the day. The dirt, of course, isn’t particularly dirty – it’s just towpaths along the side of our local rivers, but it makes for a very pleasant day’s riding. As such, a good number of people gathered outside the Black Prince in New Haw / Woodham, since all three groups follow much the same route.

To ease congestion we set off in our respective groups. There were quite a few people walking dogs and cycling with their children in tow but I don’t think we incurred the wrath of anyone, mainly because we’re a sensible group of riders who say ‘good morning’ and ‘thank you’ as we pass other people; it’s so worthwhile being courteous and smiley.

Paul with his new bike

Your scribe rode with the 2s today and enjoyed a relatively leisurely ride downriver. We enjoyed the usual coffee stop by Walton Bridge before continuing to Kingston where we headed cross country to Ham and thence to Richmond Park where we encountered our one and only hill of the day, as we cycled from Ham Gate to Richmond Gate. A minor route error was soon corrected and shortly afterwards we reached Terrace Gardens and the Hollyhock Cafe, a vegetarian / vegan restaurant, chosen by our group leader, Roger. Great choice, Roger! We all loved the food and what a perfect setting!

We reach the Thames

Hampton Court

The Hollyhock Cafe

We headed back by crossing the Thames at Teddington Lock, where we passed the usual watering hole of The Anglers PH before pedalling up Teddington High Street and turning right shortly after into Bushey Park. We were enjoying a pleasant ride through this delightfully peaceful place before being caught up by the noisy group 3s and 4s, who proceeded to carve a slice through our well ordered group. By the time we reached the river at Hampton Court Bridge we were all over the place and then it was every man for himself (ditto with the ladies). Rumours were spread that the ice cream was running out at the Walton Cafe, so it was full speed ahead and devil take the hindmost to get the last of them. Of course it was a complete load of me-eye and anyone who wanted one enjoyed a good suck on a lolly of their choice, or enjoyed a more traditional cuppa before the final five or so miles back to Woodham.

Crossing the Thames at Teddington

Tbe 3s and 4s attempt to overtake us – and succeed!

Enjoying a quiet ride through Bushey Park

We all got a bit split up, the end result of which was that, of course, Susan and I got mildly lost by not heading up the Basingstoke Canal where it splits off from the Wey, but that was soon put right and we were back at the Black Price by about four something, having enjoyed a very pleasant day in good company.

I really must ride more of these canals – they’re so enjoyable to ride. Thanks to the leaders and everyone for their company. A great day!

Heron sighted

Woking Midweek Wayfarers Group 4 Ride ~ 7 June 2017

Those chasing dreams rode all the way from home to the south coast and back, and well done to them – a good 100 miles probably. And not without problems either: Don broke a spoke but was saved by  Petersfield Cycleworks who sold him a new wheel – and still he, William, Martin and Matt arrived before the train-assisted bunch (yours truly included) made it to coffee at Stansted House.

This is a ride eagerly anticipated by many each year. Why, you may ask? The answer is easy: we all love the Bosham Ferry crossing. And it wasn’t long before we reached it.

We weren’t entirely sure how much spray might land on our bikes during the short crossing, since it was really quite windy, but there was no need to worry – it wasn’t that bad. As you can see, it was a glorious day, if a little chilly in exposed places.

On the other side we set off again, with John Murdoch choosing an excellent route as ever. It’s nice and flat round here and we were lucky to have the wind behind us for most of the ride. After riding through Birdham Pool we soon arrived at our lunch stop, the Crown and Anchor at Dell Quay, where we enjoyed crab sandwiches and other delectables.

View from the bar

Getting to Dell Quay from Birdham Pool


… or maybe waiting for it!

We followed the delightful Centurion Way northwards until we could go no further – unsafe tunnel, so we came off it and back on to roads, at which point the group split, some heading for Petersfield and their cars, whilst others headed homewards intent on cycling all the way. These were those who had cycled down plus one – me!

The tailwind greatly enhanced our journey homewards through Singleton, Cocking, Selham, Lodsworth, Lickfold, Wormley, Hambledon (and a welcome cuppa at the shop) after which we went our separate ways. It was a great day, all in all, and how fortunate we were to enjoy excellent weather following two days when you just wouldn’t have wanted to go riding.

Below are a few shots taken on the ride home, followed by a map showing my ride.

A reviving cuppa at the Hambledon Village Shop

To view the route in detail, please click on this link: https://www.strava.com/activities/1025387614

Woking Midweek Wayfarers Ride ~ 15 March 2017

After a spate of bad weather Wednesdays, here at last was some real spring weather. Spring flowers, sunshine and warmth! Our 55 mile ride (2,300ft of climbing), planned and led by Bob(by), took us from Pirbright to Farnborough – Church Crookham (coffee) – Odiham – Froyle – Binstead – Churt (lunch) – Tilford (ice creams!) – Runfold and back to Pirbright.

Here are a few shots from the ride.

Lunch was taken in the garden of the Crossways pub in Churt and the next photo gives an indication as to the state of the weather!

And to finish, a couple of group shots from the ride:

And finally, the ice cream team – not entirely sure why yours truly is enshrouded in a haze…

Thanks, Bob, for a really excellent ride and route!

WMW Ride to Walbury Hill ~ 19 October 2016

This was a great ride, planned by Phil, which started and finished at Micheldever. It was great to cycle outside of our usual area, particularly when the route was so good….. and so quiet! There was very little traffic and what a pleasure that was! Below are some photos including one in the churchyard of St Peter’s parish church in St Mary Bourne; we stopped there for a moment to focus our thoughts for a few moments on Ron Richardson, whose funeral was today.

We were a large group of 18 people for some of the ride. A couple of our number got stuck for well over an hour in a jam on the M3, following an accident, on their way to the start of the ride, so they didn’t join us till later on the ride. Other than that, the day went smoothly enough and in fine cycling conditions. The pub wasn’t bad either.




Near the summit of Walbury Hill


In the churchyard at St Mary Bourne








Walbury Hill again












Another from Walbury Hill

WMW Annual Thames Towpath Ride 2016


For those of us who enjoy the annual hot, dusty trundle (at speed) down the Thames, today did not disappoint: it was indeed hot and dusty…. but oh such fun! It really is a ride with a difference and it was a joy to see us all heading off with a minimum of organisation and a maximum of anticipation of a good day in good company. Mountain bikes had, in most cases, been pulled out from the back of the bike pile, checked, oiled slightly and were ready to rock and roll.







Before heading off from the car park of the Black Prince in Woodham – a mere few hundred yards from the start of our canalian progress – John very sensibly reminded us of the occasion when there had been a minor ‘towpath fracas’, the consequence being that one of our number found himself in the water, complete with phone, camera etc, and that it might be wise to avoid similar confrontations if at all possible.

As it turned out the Thames and canal towpaths were certainly attracting their fair share of dog walkers, joggers and sundry other pedestrians, not to mention quite a few other cyclists, but everyone seemed very amicable and ne’er a cross word or a frowning face was spied – not by me anyway.

And talking of me, apart from all the abuse I received for riding on a pink bike, I was in seventh heaven with a goodly bevvy of pretty girls amidst pretty scenery to photograph. And the fellas weren’t bad either!









We seemed to organically split into several groups, with the 4s doing what the 4s do – shoot off. We 3s managed to stick together until Kingston where the advance group succeeded in missing a turning, without knowing it, then waiting for a long time for the rest of the group to catch up, which they never did of course, because they had gone the right way and were proceeding on their way round Richmond Park, which it is traditional to circumnavigate prior to lunch.

The outcome was that the advance group made the very sensible decision to head straight for the pub, and break with tradition and not get all hot and sweaty riding round Richmond Park, because we were hot and sweaty already – apart from the girls, that is, who were lightly perspiring – as they do…

The Anglers, reached by a long narrow bridge, lies adjacent to the river in Teddington on the Middlesex bank and I knew it to be agreeable but expensive from our visit there a couple of years ago in similar conditions. We lingered most enjoyably over the expected expensive repast, greeting the other groups as they arrived – hot and sweaty of course from their circuitous perambulations in Richmond Park.


Eventually it was time to head off homewards, involving a ride through Teddington and Hampton Wick before reaching Bushey Park which we cycled through to Hampton Court where we joined the river again and basically retraced our wheelprints back to Woodham with a pit stop at Walton Bridge for a much needed ice cream or cold drink.




South West London CTC group who we met at Walton Bridge




Bushey Park






What a lovely ride this is! I really must ride from home next time and also try to instil some form of discipline in the 3s. I mean, leaving out Richmond Park… at least not all of them are guilty!