CTC volunteering opportunity THIS WEEKEND in GUILDFORD

There is a Queen Elizabeth Park Residents’ Association event in Guildford on Saturday. The CTC will be running a ‘Dr Bike’ service and just generally chatting to residents about cycling in the local area.

Would anyone be interested in popping along for a few hours and chatting to people about cycling in the local area between 1pm and 5pm?

Located in Stoughton, opposite Budgens and next door to CTC Head Office.

Loving The Ride but Not the Nettle & Thorn Pain?

Annoyed by overgrown cycling paths, as we were while en route to yesterdays’ Wednesday ride?  After a tip from Rico, I called the Highways Agency  (0300 123 5000). Their friendly “Local Area Team will get on with this clearing near Potters Lane along the A3 very shortly…but they are currently also quite busy so it may take a while.

Mimicking the example of an 80 year old Rambler in my area, I thought: why not grabb a pair of secateurs and clear up the worst bits?  It took an hour to clear up a 100 meter corridor this morning (about 10% of the overgrown path) and allowed me to pleasantly engage with many commuting cyclists using the paths.  I think they’ll also come back with secateurs this weekend!  Let’s start a movement, my friends; let’s do our bit in our area to make our paths at least passable to fellow cyclists until the Highway Agency gets on with the rest of the job.  (Louise Gagnon)

Rowlands Castle ride

This Wednesday, there is another ride for grades 3 and 4 in an area which we visit fairly infrequently.  The start is at Rowlands Castle, coffee at Stansted House (where there is ample parking for those wishing to take the car), and the plan then is for both groups to cycle via Bosham to take the little Itchenor ferry (2.50 including bike).  After that there is a shortish section of track round the edge of the harbour (still suitable for road bikes) with lunch at Dell Quay.  I will then lead back to Stansted House for those who have left cars there.  It is a great ride, not too long, but deserving of the very best weather; if it is not up to scratch, we might amend the route on the day, and leave Dell Quay to the August ride scheduled for the same area.

Chris Jeggo’s French tour, September – one place left

Right now, three of us are booked on the Bike Bus to travel to Orange on 6 September, returning 21-22 September.  I am prepared to take one more, but the Bike Bus booking needs to be made soon, before it fills up on one of the journeys.

This is a moving-on, unsupported, carry-your-own-luggage tour of some of the scenic splendours of southern France.  The itinerary includes Mont Ventoux, Gorges de la Nesque, Grand Canyon de Verdon (both sides), Gorges du Cian, Gorges de Daluis, Col d’Allos, Col de la Cayolle.  For photos and other information see Sheila Simpson’s and Francis Cooke’s Virtual Alps website:  http://www.aukadia.net/alps/south/sfa.htm

I am not offering a fully organised package holiday.  We are a group of friends doing a tour together.  No accommodation is being booked in advance – finding rooms in September should not be a problem.  This is being done to keep the route as flexible as possible so that  it can be adapted to the weather, cope with mechanical or physical problems, or extended if everything goes wonderfully well.

The outline route totals 965km, 600 miles, over 15 days cycling – 40 miles per day.  A few days are mountainous, many are hilly, but you don’t need to be super-athletic provided you have low gears and can cycle uphill as slowly as me.

During a similar, but one day longer, tour in the Pyrenees last September my total spend was £1625 including all travel.  Sharing a room should produce a saving of around £300 per person.

I have good maps and a fair amount of tourist information;  I speak French well.  Get in touch with me as soon as possible to express an interest or ask me questions.  Phone: 01483 870218;  email: chris@jeggo.org.uk

Fantastic scenery, good roads, excellent food and drink, sunshine, good company!  What are you waiting for?

Micheldever Ride

No chance of the midweek ride being postponed this week, the weather looks set fair.  The ride starts from Micheldever Station, if you are driving rather than travelling by train, there is a pay car park at the station, and limited free car parking fairly close.  Recommended parking is in Micheldever itself, about 2/3 miles from the station at SU519392.  Take the A33, turn right signposted Micheldever, and the parking is on the right as you enter the village.  We will have coffee at Whitchurch, then the plan for the grade 4 ride is to head north into the hills south of Newbury, before curving back round and back via the Test Valley to Micheldever again.  It is a delightful ride, on mainly quite lanes, with a mix of the hills and the lovely valley to finish.  I will meet the train at the station at 10.10
and lead to coffee.