



Peter Hackman writes…..

Chris, Sonny, John, Peter, Julian, Clive and Peter ventured to the Theatre Chocolate Shop in Windsor. Unable to resist the temptation of yet more chocolate 4 of us braved the rigours of The Chilterns to try the sister cafe in Henley.

Is it possible to overdose on chocolate?


photo 1a photo 2aphoto 3a

5 New Ride Leaders Qualify in Spring 2014

Louise Gagnon



Louise Gagnon writes…


You probably recall seeing the picture of three grinning “brand new” ride leaders in an earlier blog article dated 10 Apr 14 (in case you’ve missed it, I have re-inserted the picture below). Well, we are proud to welcome in our ranks two more who have recently qualified: Chris Williamson and Laurie Mutch.

Both come to us already well experienced in leading/monitoring group rides. Chris ride leads every Sunday with the Dorking Cycling Club while Laurie has long earned his spurs as a Marshall with the annual biggest bike race in the world (35,000 entries in 2013), the Cape Argus in Cape Town, South Africa.  Their new role as ride leaders became official when our the Club Secretary Nick Davison wrote to them recently: ” I confirm that you have been registered with the CTC as a Ride Leader for CTC West Surrey.  May I thank you once again for taking on this role, the importance of which cannot be over-emphasised”.

Well done gentlemen!  (And apologies to Chris as we could not replicate the bright sun and 24 C of the earlier pics).

Chris Williamson Louise IOW May 14 - 2


Laurie Ride Leader May 14


3 new ride leaders and Neil

Closed roads don’t deter the Sunday Riders!

Exif_JPEG_PICTUREPeter Hackman writes….



Six of us rode to Hook from Farnham for coffee and thence a big loop to Sherfield on Loddon in the hope of meeting up with the South Berks CTC riders. However due to a delayed departure from Farnham, a closed canal bridge to negotiate, a puncture and an encounter with a mole we didn’t arrive at Sherfield Garden Centre until 2:30, by which time the South Berks must have left.

The closed bridge entailed man/woman handling the bikes over barriers, across ditches and along pipes and wooden planks to avoid a detour! Having successfully struggled to replace Heidi’s tyre after a puncture we encounterd a mole trying to eat a worm by the roadside quite oblivious to passing cars. Eventually John encouraged it back onto the verge with the aid of his pump.

Our route took us past the Roman walls at Silchester and we made a side excursion to see the amphitheatre.

I won’t go into the details of the “Plate of Chips” incident at Sherfield Garden Centre. Just ask Clive, Martin, Heidi, Chris or me sometime.

Link to route:

Photo 25-05-2014 02 02 38 pm Photo 25-05-2014 02 02 04 pm Photo 25-05-2014 01 07 15 pm Photo 25-05-2014 01 07 03 pm Photo 25-05-2014 01 06 08 pm Photo 25-05-2014 01 05 27 pm Photo 25-05-2014 10 31 43 am

Stonehenge 2014


Peter Hackman writes….

Thank you to all our participants without whom Nick, Marion, Bob and I would have had a very boring day!

Here are some photos of the occasion.

As well as the wild and very fierce animals we were treated to a bit of culture…Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata. The first time I’ve seen a pianist wearing cleated shoes!!

Peter Hackman

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