Farnham Wayfarers on Sunday 8th June

Arthur Twiggs



Arthur Twiggs writes ….


The Farnham Wayfarers enjoyed the good weather on Sunday with a venture into the territory of our Guildford and Woking colleagues instead of the tranquil leafy lanes of Hampshire. This was a straightforward ride to Guildford using some of the North Downs Way and the Downs Link down to Shamley Green – along with lots of families trying to interest their kids in a healthy life style.

I usually get some feed back but this time it ranged from “ooh I’ve never been through there before” to “ I blame the bloody ride leader”.

It was also a cultural event as shown by the attached photos.

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Endurance tales for your inner adrenalin junkie from Sean Conway

Nick Davison~smaller



    Nick Davison writes….

Watched Bear Grylls’ TV show The Island and wondered if you’ve got what it takes to survive the toughest of environments?

Here’s your chance to gain an insight into the mind of one man who’s proven time and time again he can go the distance… 

This June, soak up the exhilarating tales of extreme endurance adventurer and history-maker Sean Conway. You might just find yourself packing your bag for your own big challenge!

With a quirky take on extreme sports and challenges, Sean’s adventures have varied from climbing Kilimanjaro dressed as a penguin, to cycling 16,000 miles through 6 continents in 116 days (most of which was done with a fractured spine after getting run over by a truck in America). To top it all off, he recently made the record books by becoming the first person in history to swim the length of Britain! 

Sean’s never-give-up attitude and gripping stories are capturing the imagination of thousands. Catch him while he’s back on dry land for this inspiring talk on setting your goals high, challenging yourself and overcoming tough times.

Sean Conway
Fri 20 June, 8pm  
£13; pre-show pizza & ticket £17.50

Book online

Sean Conway

Backyard Bliss on a Thursday ride?!

Louise Gagnon




Louise Gagnon writes….     A Wednesday ride being postponed to Thursday?  Now this is most unusual but a good call that the Group Leader of the Woking Midweek Wayfarers, John Murdoch, saw fit to make given the abysmal weather forecast on Met Office and BBC news right up to 9:30 AM yesterday.  A disappointment I am sure for the unlucky few who could not re-schedule and ride with us today. All in all a fantastic day, complete with:

  • bright sun and 21C (cool shades essential)
  • a fantastic bunch of 13 riders working as a team
  • a little historical visit and briefing at the former Royal Canadian Air Force Station Dunsfold
  •  circumventing Guildford for 54 miles, hence the ride name of Backyard Bliss 54 (see Garmin Connect link: http://connect.garmin.com/course/6816542
  • trying out Chris Juden’s technique of “human signposting”; everyone loved it. Makes for a smooth flowing, uninterrupted ride and provided some rotation for riders. Still, we could not stop Brian King laughing with any riders; no rotation could keep him subdued (refreshing exuberance; well done Brian!).
  • a nice finish with a 3 mile “race” from West Horsley to Ripley, won by Ian Pickering, one of our new bees.  But what really, truly made the day was the constant blend of laughter and the huge inclination to have a blast of safe fun out there. Thanks everyone; it truly was 54 miles of “Backyard Bliss!
    5 Jun 14 - 6

    Canadian Spitfire ground crew at Royal Canadian Air Force Station Dunsfold, circa 1943

5 Jun 14 - 2

End of day, after the impromptu 3 mile race West Horstley to Ripley

5 Jun 14- 3

3 mile race won by Ian Pickering (centre), close second was Patrick Guimard (a droite) and in third position John Child (left) who zoomed past me at Mach 3

5 Jun 14-2 snip

Now isn’t this a fine bunch of happy “Thursday” riders?!


The 54 mile route:  proof that great rides can be had in one’s own backyard!

Wednesday Intermediates Isle of Wight Ride ~ 28 May 2014

The weather didn’t disappoint – it was out to get us from the start! But we still had a great day and it actually stopped raining during the afternoon. Good company, good riding and good food probably sums up the day as well as any other words one could write.

Members present: Chris Williamson, Louise Gagnon, Mark Waters, Steve Bethell (guest), John Child, Alex Nash, Jo Stokes, Hilary Stephenson, Laurie Mutch, Noel Boyd, Brian King & Ian ….

We took the Fishbourne car ferry from Portsmouth at 10am, so it was a relatively late start. The car park opposite the terminal cost £8 for the day. Do book the ferry online in advance to save an ‘admin charge’ which doubles the cost of a ticket – £10.20 return for senior railcard holders.

John was our noble leader and an excellent job he did too! We headed pretty much south to reach the south coast (one or two quite busy roads here) at which point we turned west to follow the coast. Lunch was taken at the pub in Brightstone, after which we had the climbs up on to Tennyson Down to contend with. We then enjoyed a break at Freshwater Bay whilst about three of us dealt with punctures acquired on the Down. The cycle path to Yarmouth followed, after which we headed back into the deep countryside bound for Cowes. Some of the gang continued straight back to Fishbourne, it being relatively late by now; those planning on staying for a bite this side of the water lingered for a spot of tea before taking the chain ferry and riding the last few miles back to Fishbourne where we enjoyed a meal at the pub by the ferry terminal.

Here’s the route we took: http://connect.garmin.com/course/6491608

Map of route


Good to see the ladies taking an interest in puncture repairs whilst the men just watch!

Good to see the ladies taking an interest in puncture repairs whilst the men just watch!


Newtown Old Town Hall (National Trust). Where's the town?

Newtown Old Town Hall (National Trust). Where’s the town?

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Tennyson Down coming up!

Tennyson Down coming up!

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