From L to R: Chris Jeggo, David Wells, Clive Williamson, George Upton, John Harper, Gordon Appleby, Basil Vowler, John Coleman, Harold Coleman, Mark Smith (Bill Inder’s grandson), Clement Collins, Keith Parfitt, unknown tall young person above unknown short young person, Denis Gray, Bill Inder, ?, Dave Bell, Nick Muir
We have received the following letter from the organiser of the revived York Rally, which some of you may be interested in:
I am writing on behalf of the group of volunteers who are reviving the York Rally, which as you may know was cancelled after the 2012 event, bringing to an end an almost 70-year run, as the CTC York Rally and later the York Cycle Show.
We are happy to say that after a year of fundraising we will be reviving the event, as the York Rally, and will be staging it on the Knavesmire on the 20-21st June 2015, and we would very much appreciate your assistance in letting your members know that the Rally has returned!
The revived Rally is not being run as a CTC event, but we know that it has been a treasured part of many CTC members’ cycling year for decades, and that many members would enjoy coming to York, meeting old friends and going on rides as they have for many years.
There are full details of what is planned for the 2015 York Rally at the website:
As you will see, we are organising a selection of traditional Rally activities (rides, grasstrack racing, saddlebag and auction sales, live music from the Foresters) as well as new attractions in the form of a ‘Pedal Power Invention Convention’ and Cyclo-Cross racing, and more!
There will, as in previous years, be a traditional campsite on site with separate areas for lightweight and motorised campers. If you could mention that earlybird (=cheaper!) bookings for the campsite close on the 6th April that would be fantastic. People can book campsite pitches online via the website, or by post using this form, and early bookings are very much appreciated to help offset the advance costs of the event.
If you would like any further details, further images for your newsletter, or have any queries or suggestions for us, please just reply to this email or contact me (Peter Eland, Publicity Officer) on 0787 624 4818, or Paul Reid, the event organiser, on 016973 43089, at any time.
For the York Rally Committee, many thanks in advance for anything you can do to pass on the word about the revived Rally to your members!
With best regards,
Peter Eland
Publicity Officer, York Rally