Safe cycling routes in Guildford. Tell the council what you think about their new plans

Surrey Council have released their plans for a new Sustainable Movement Corridor (West) to help improve sustainable travel from the Research Park to the station. Please help us make it better by commenting today  

We think the plans don’t go far enough and we need your help to improve the route for those who want to cycle this route safely.
Have a look at the plans here and then go to the Surrey Council website to make your voice heard by this Sunday 29th October.

Here’s some of our feedback that you might want to include in your response:

The planned SMC(West) will have many stops and delays for cyclists. It is essential to minimise waiting times at junctions, exits etc, otherwise cyclists will be tempted to take risks, or just stay on the road, and the plans will not create a significant modal shift.
Priority must be given to cyclists over motor traffic (eg dedicated lights, ‘tiger crossings’ or Dutch-style roundabouts.
On dedicated cycle paths, separate marked lanes for cyclists and pedestrians must be provided.
Turns for motor vehicles entering and exiting the side roads need to be tightened to make them safer for those crossing on bikes and on foot.

West Surrey Cycle Clothing – New Order




A new order for West Surrey cycle clothing will shortly be placed, so now is the time to refresh your own cycling wardrobe.

The committee have agreed to provide a generous discount on all clothing, to encourage West Surrey members to wear our own branded kit.  This subsidy includes a commitment to cover the cost of any surcharges levied by our supplier for low order volumes, which means for the first time we can quote a guaranteed price for reach item, no matter what quantity is ordered.

Our ability to provide this subsidy results from the profits made on club events such as the Tour of the Hills, and our wish to give this back for the benefit of members.  Therefore, those who helped out on events this year can be rewarded for their contribution, and those who did not can also benefit, and no doubt make a note to support the Club and help out next year.

A full list of the clothing available is attached.  Ladies should note that for the first time the basic short and long sleeve jerseys are available in Sport fit, which is a more generous cut than the Pro fit which previously was the only one offered.

Above is an image of the latest jersey design.  We have made changes to a couple of logos to bring them up-to-date, but otherwise the design and colours remain as per previous clothing.  I can particularly recommend the winter cycling jerseys and winter bib tights (the latter men’s only, I’m afraid), as well as the wind jacket.  The basic short and long sleeve jerseys are particularly good value, as the club discount is higher on these items.

Please also see Owayo’s website for all product details, as well as sizes (click “view product” on the web page).  The clothing tends to be a “snug fit”, so please take care when ordering; as an example, at 5’ 9” and 10 stone, I wear jerseys that are large, not medium, and in my opinion they fit well.  I suggest you have a word with friends who already wear club clothing before ordering.

In order to place an order, please e-mail me on, specifying item(s) to be ordered and size.  I will then reply to confirm the order, and advise how and when payment should be made.

All orders must be placed with me by Sunday 19th November at the latest.  

John Murdoch

Owayo Cycling Kit, member pricing 10.17 2

Louise in Canada:

To fellow West Surrey-ites,
Just to let you know how our old pal Louise is doing back home in Ottawa.
She’s flying the flag as always for safer and more inclusive cycling, The link below shows one of her four volunteer jobs, riding a £7,000 Danish bike and helping to give the old folk a lot of pleasure:

  click here to see video

She sends her friends in the club her very best wishes.
Paul Gillingham

The Dole Run – in praise of Granny rings

The phone rings on Tuesday evening. “Are you coming out on the Dole Run?”
“That’s good. Do you like hills?”
“They’re ok.”
“Meet at Brooks Cycles, Welshpool at….”
“Yes that’s right. See you tomorrow.”
“Until tomorrow then.”

Just after 9am I set out for Welshpool, nervously wondering what I had let myself in for. I had been reassured that the Dole Run was a more civilised pace and more social. Arriving at the shop in good time I went in and there was one person waiting – Yogi. We introduced ourselves and I met the shop owner as well. Brooks Cycles is a sponsor of the club. In the end six of us turned up, two of whom I knew and we set off just after 10am. We did a tour around the block to arrive within 20 yards from where we started and then turned into Church Bank. Knowingly one of the group said we were going to go up Red Bank. We did – first arrow of the day – and steep it was too. Eventually we joined the A490. I sort of like these A roads, there aren’t any cars on them, but there was a lot of climbing on this one. Left at Groes-Lwyd on to the B4392. The pace was far more realistic allowing conversation as we went along. Apparently the run is so called as you had to be on the Dole (unemployment benefit) to be able to do the run and is not some Welsh term that I need to learn. That said I can’t pronounce the place names – Bwlch-y-cibau anyone?
At Cefn du uchaf a right down a steep descent with a downhill arrow – bit of a novelty the downhill stretch; could get used to those. But followed in quick succession by two uphill sections, both with one arrow to Maesglyn. After topping out a very steep descent (2 arrows) followed by two further steep descents of 1 arrow each. Onto the A495 and then off towards Pontrobert. My ride companions groaned and then explained – all roads out of Pontrobert are climbs. In fact my ride companions took great delight in informing me of the nature of the road ahead. I wonder, is it better to know what is coming up or to meet it in complete ignorance? It was climb of two sections of 1 arrow but studying the map from the comfort of home I should be grateful that we did not take the left turn with three sections of 2 arrows. By now the amount of climbing was wearing the patience of all but our ride leader. We have been through a lot of mud, cow dung and slippery steep sections. The gallows humour was in full flow. Had our ride leader had a bash on the head as this was an exceptional amount of climbing for a Dole Run – Steve was to check with the ride leader’s wife on return to see if he was ok. Was Snowden really the highest peak in Wales? Surely we had climbed higher? But thankfully we has some respite – two downhill sections with 1 arrow. On to the B4395, a cut through, 1 arrow downhill, to the B4393, and then a climb to Lluest-ddu. We turn into the drive – about midday. Turned out it was the home of our ride leader’s brother and his wife. A great baker; we were fed Bara Brith, cake and more cake washed down by some very welcome tea. “Your plate is empty – have some more cake.” “Thank you.”

Our ride leader is a man of gadgets, not just the radar equipped Garmin rear light. “You know we have done a lot of climbing.”
“We know – you seem to have tried to beat the record.”
“Well we have climbed 3000ft in …. 20 miles.” “!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
“And some quite steep ramps – over 20%.” “!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
“Have you seen Lake Vyrnwy? It’s just around the corner?”
“No, but it can wait until another day.” Oh yes we were in The Mountains just on the edge of Snowdonia National Park.

Talk turned to the return journey with rain forecast for the afternoon and Yogi wanting to be back by 2pm. We decided to go back down by the fastest route – only a few climbs they cheerfully told me. Back to the B road but a puncture held us up. As it was being repaired Steve approached me and asked about That Sunday Ride. I told him it was too fast for me and not much fun. Steve is a committee member and he admitted that they had problems (not issues – how refreshing!) with the Sunday ride. Two riders had recently joined from Llan-something-or-other club and they are very strong. The local top riders were basically competing with them on the Sunday ride to set the pecking order. It was causing a problem and people would not join the club if they weren’t enjoying the rides. I heartily agreed and my comments were duly noted. From the B road onto the A490 and then major indecision at Bwlch-y-cibau. Straight on followed by a right and left, which everyone thought to be the quickest and easiest – wow two wonderful words used in the same sentence or turn right. The ride leader said right to many groans – all bunny hops and then a sharp left down what looked like a track, though is a yellow road on the map. The A490 takes you back to Welshpool – not straight, plenty of wide bends – but there is a sting in the tail. After a big right hand bend is the hill which the club use for their hill climb. No arrows, steady gradient, just long with the QOM set by Emma (sorry don’t know Emma who) at under 4 minutes and no idea what they said about KOM. Suffice to say I made it and kept my dignity. Do you focus on your pain as you climb or do you distract yourself? I do the latter and thought about a warm bath, food, tea and comfort. Finally Welshpool. “Have you time for a stop at the Royal Oak?”
We had tea in the rain and were told we had done a further 2000ft of climb. I can feel it in the legs. No Sunday ride has been posted yet – if it is it will go from Newtown. Newtown rides tend to be hilly, Welshpool rides tend to be flatter – all due to the local geography. “Pardon!?!?”

Steve said that if he posts a ride it will definitely be a “B” group ride.
“If you do go would you like to join us at the Nag’s head and we can go down to Newtown together? Just make sure you do not go with the nutters – they treat the ride between Welshpool and Newtown as a time trial and then go home – make sure you find us.” I said I will see what the weather is like. Going with them would be fine – it is the flat route along the A road. All other routes out of Llandyssil have an uphill arrow on them.
And so the 10 miles home in the rain – thankfully just rain and not Welsh rain so much of the mud was washed off the bike rather than me being washed off the bike. The signpost to Llandyssil says 2 miles, very comforting except for the two ramps. The first I made in a straight line and down the other side. Llandyssil ¼ mile. Just get into the granny ring now and think about anything but the 50 metres up to the house. Zig zag and collapse.