Cycling Safety

To all West Surrey CTC members
From the Committee

Many of you will be aware of a recent serious cycling accident on one of our Wednesday rides. Following this, a number of members asked the committee to consider three aspects: the prevention of accidents whilst riding in a group, making helmets compulsory and the importance of next of kin information.

Group Riding (safety on the road)

Group riding requires a higher level of concentration and consideration for fellow riders on the road. Some of our riders have had cycling safety training or have considerable peloton riding experience and offer to share this. The committee will therefore be arranging a number of events where riders can be briefed and then apply this coaching out on the road. We encourage members from all of our groups to attend these sessions even if you are an experienced rider. We will let you know about dates and venues as soon as possible.


The accident involved a head strike on the road and the member involved was unconscious and concussed for a short period. Fortunately, a retired doctor and a nurse were in the group and provided immediate first aid. The helmet was damaged but there were no head injuries (as assessed following a precautionary scan). In the view of the doctor and witnesses, had the rider not been wearing a helmet the outcome may well have been quite different.

There have been calls for the committee to make the wearing of helmets compulsory on our organised rides as is the case with most other cycling organisations (but not Cycling UK). We are aware the issue is contentious and therefore the committee proposes to raise the matter for discussion and resolution at our forthcoming AGM.

In the meantime, the committee strongly recommends the wearing of helmets on any of our organised events and ride leaders will be asked to support and encourage this position.

ICE (in case of emergency – next of kin information)

Our Group Riding Guidelines stipulate that all riders must carry Next of Kin information on all rides. 

To encourage this the club fully subsidises the OneLife ID tag for members. If you have not yet taken up this offer please contact John Child before purchase.

Safe Riding

West Surrey CTC Committee

8 August 2018

WSCTC Photo competition

West Surrey CTC photo competition.

Have you taken any dramatic or unusual cycling photos?

We are holding a competition for our regular cyclists to enter any photos they have taken, any cycling related theme is acceptable. We are looking for unusual pics with originality, humour or drama!

We will be announcing the winner at the AGM on October so all entries should be submitted by 30 September, there will be a prize!.

All entries will be posted on the website.

small print:

  • to be judged totally impartially by the Committee!
  • send entries to
  • closing date Sep 30th 2018
  • open to our regular cycling members only

Pot Holes – we love em…or do we?


The Road Repair Fund is based on miles of road with no account of usage.  Surrey’s roads have more traffic than most counties with Guildford town only exceeded by some large cities.

A Fairer Funding Formula will  increase Surrey road repair and up-keep budget.

If we want pot holes fixed, sign

Report Pot Holes:

Use to report Pot Holes in Surrey.

The Surrey County Council (SCC) page indicates if the pothole has already been reported and if its repair is scheduled.

Other reporting systems currently do not interface to the SCC system following a change in the SCC system. We have requested SCC investigate and report back, as there are many systems in use including the CUK/CTC  “Fill That Hole” app and the Surrey Police web page; Google “surrey pothole reporting”.  If you report it, there is more chance it will get fixed, and the SCC Cabinet Member for Highways has agreed to prioritise potholes that affect cyclists. if you or your cycle suffers due to an unmaintained highway.  If the defect has been reported, the claim will be taken more seriously.

Pat Daffarn