Guildford Travel Club

Madagascar – it’s not just about lemurs

Chris Beynon cycles through central and eastern Madagascar seeing day-to-day life in this poor country, as well as some of the famous wildlife.

An illustrated talk at Guildford Travel Club.

  • Tuesday 6 January
  • Doors open 7.30pm, talk 8-10pm.
  • Onslow Village Hall
  • £7 admission

For further information see Guildford Travel Club website or phone 01483 452399.

[The author on tour with Chris in 19xxx – on the way to Cape Wrath; yes, it’s the ‘P’ word!]

Puncture on the Parph#cropped

‘H’ in fine form

The Mid-week Wayfarers ride this week attracted 30-40 people to coffee at Poppy’s, Badshot Lea. From there we split in several directions, with 9 of us heading for lunch at The Squirrel, Hurtmore.

After lunch we again split into 3 groups, with Chris Jeggo deciding to ride with me via Compton, the climb past Watt’s Gallery and descending through Onslow Village. Chris then suggested that as we would practically be passing Harold & Kath Coleman’s house we should call in, which we did.

Although Harold hasn’t had any involvement with the West Surrey for a number of years now, our long standing  members will remember his many contributions to the club’s activities in the past. To cite one example, our favourite award, The Wooden Crank, was made by Harold and is a twice life size replica of a Campagnolo Record crank.

As it turned out, Kath wasn’t in when we called, being out on some musical activity according to Harold. She had, however, arranged for a lady with a dog, to go out with Harold for a walk. So we went in and chatted with Harold for 10 -15 minutes until the lady and the dog arrived. Harold was pleased to see us and suggested we call again.

Sunday All-Day Riders ~ 7 December 2014

Yesterday, we all woke to a cold and frosty morning, but this morning we woke to an altogether warmer day, so there was absolutely no excuse not to get out and ride – particularly since the ride started just down the road at Godalming Station. So where was everyone – with the G&G Wayfarers indulging themselves at their Christmas lunch? Anyway, there were just two of us joining leader Clive at 9am, myself and Keith Gooders, who described himself as an ‘occasional’ rider with us. Well, Keith, just try and make it just a bit less occasional, if you please – it was great riding with you!

My somewhat tardy start caused me to leave my satnav behind, so I’m relying on Keith to send me his track which will be added to this blog later (which he did, and it is). Essentially we headed south via Wormley and Lodsworth to Midhurst for coffee – free mince pie today: yay! Then down south of the 272 through those lovely wooded lanes to Pulborough and Wigginholt RSPB for a light lunch. Then retrace and back home via Coldwaltham, Fittleworth, Kirdford, Plaistow, Dunsfold and so on. And boy, did the legs grumble on the hills towards the end. Total mileage for me: 65.5 miles (more for the others); that’s exactly 100kms with 1100 metres of climbing thrown in – not bad for December.

This was the route, which you can view in more detail here:





















There was one shower – and we were in the caff when it came over; otherwise it was really very pleasant despite a bit of a headwind at times. A lovely winter day, and here are the photos to prove it:



Since this blog was written (December 2014), we have been contacted by John Hawthorne who advises us of two other articles on the subject which we might find it useful to read. John wrote the second one.

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What to do in the following situations until professional help arrives:

  • Cardiac Arrest
  • Heart Attack
  • Choking
  • Severe Bleeding

It is not only the elderly but any of the above situations can happen to anyone of any age. HeartStart  2 hour course is run every other Wednesday evening from 7.00 – 9.00  at Farnham St Johns Ambulance Station (next door to Waitrose), parking is free after 7.00 and the course is a donation.

The contact is Keith Aston More info here.

Roger and myself found the course excellent – just hope we never have to use our new skills