London to Brighton Cycle Ride – 3 places available

We have received the following letter from The Royal Surrey County Hospital’s Charitable Fund:

The Royal Surrey County Hospital’s Charitable Fund has a team of ten cycling the London to Brighton Cycle Ride on Sunday 6th September 2015.
We have filled seven of the places, but still have three places remaining. As the event is just three weeks away, we would love to fill all the places, so were wondering if you know of anyone who would like to ride the course for us – we are just asking that they either pay or raise sponsorship of £50.

This will go towards either the General Fund of the Hospital, or St Lukes Cancer Centre – whichever the cyclist would prefer.

This fundraising challenge starts in London and finishes 54 miles away on the Brighton sea front. There is a buffet lunch for all participants and the spirit of the event is ‘taking part’ not ‘winning’ so you go as fast or as slow as you like!

Please do get in contact if you, or anyone you know would like more details. Feel free to share this email

Kind regards,

Eleni Bainbridge

Events Fundraising Manager

The Royal Surrey County Hospital’s Charitable Fund

(Part time hours: Monday 12.30pm-4.30pm, Tuesdays & Thursday 8.30am-4pm)

Royal Surrey County Hospital, Egerton Road, Guildford, Surrey GU2 7XX

Tel; 01483 464146



Tour of the Hills – plea for marshals, and an enticement

The Tour of the Hills takes place in just over a week’s time, on Sunday 16th August.  It is our première event of the year, and even though the entry fee remains remarkably low, it remains a very important event for us, enabling us to make a profit and pay for so many things through the year for the benefit of all members. 
I am still short of marshals for the event, so I would urge members to volunteer now in order that this event can take place, and be at the high standard that has been set over the years.  You will not be committed to man a control all day, there are specific opening and closing times, dependent on the final number of entries.  If you can help out, please e-mail me asap on; thank you.
It may be that some potential marshals would like to ride the event, so Don has agreed that if you marshal, you can ride the route at any time between now and 1 week after the event, at no charge, and if you provide either myself or Don with your time, you will be shown as a finisher.
John Murdoch

Comments on ‘Subscribe to the Forum’

For those who are interested, there have been some comments on my recent post ‘Subscribe to the Forum’, but someone has suggested that they will not have generated automatic emails which will draw your attention to them and that such an email is desirable.  Hence this post;  I apologise if you consider it to be unnecessary.