Pictures – now and the 1920s – re Grade 3 ride 14/10/15

You may recall that this morning we stopped to regroup just after reaching the Bath Road at Hare Hatch, outside this pub:


This is how it looked in the 1920s, a sketch by Charles G Harper in the April 1922 C.T.C. Gazette:


It hasn’t changed that much, but the Bath Road certainly has:


– Another sketch by Charles G Harper in the January 1922 C.T.C. Gazette.

Club Clothing

The astute amongst you will already have noticed that this post is headed “Club Clothing”, not “Club Jerseys”.  That is because I have been able to negotiate some very favourable discounts with our jersey suppliers, which makes their wider range of products very attractive, particularly when ordering small quantities.  This is conditional on us continuing to use our existing design for all products, but this makes sense, as it helps with our club identity, whatever outer wear we happen to be wearing.

You may know that I have always encouraged club members to ride in our own Club shirts as much as possible, to the extent that the committee have authorised additional discounts for purchases.  I continue to offer that encouragement, and would urge members to read the following carefully, and place your orders – the more who do so, the cheaper that the clothing will be.

Please note that you need to do so quickly, I require all orders to be received by me, by e-mail, by Sunday 25th October at the latest.

Please also note that the prices indicated below are the guaranteed maximum price for all the articles of clothing.  Pricing depends on the number of orders for each product variation.  If I receive orders of at least 5 for a particular product variation the price will be £5 less (£3 less for short and long sleeve jerseys), so please encourage all your friends to order.

This is the ideal time to take advantage of these low prices.  If you wish to know a more definite price for any particular item, just e-mail me on 24th October and, based on the number of orders for that product that I have received at that time, I will be able to calculate a revised maximum price

So, here are the offers:-

Club Jerseys
Short sleeve   Max Price  £34.50
Long sleeve    Max Price  £37.00
Long Sleeve winter fabric   Max price £43.50

Ladies Pro-cut (very slim fit; no sports cut available specifically for ladies)
Short sleeve  Max Price £47.50
Long Sleeve   Max Price £52.00

All jerseys come with ¾ length zipper; options of ¼ or full zipper are available, but as these constitute a product variation, they are likely to cost quite a bit more.  The winter fabric is certainly excellent for this time of year.

Wind Jackets  Max Price  £47.50
Lightweight windproof and water-resistant material (G-Tex), easily packed into jersey back pocket, each jacket has small zippered pocket, and mesh pocket sewn inside in which the jacket can be folded up and stored.

Gilets  Max Price  £42.50
As with Wind Jacket, but sleeveless, with mesh back.

Softshell Jackets  Max Price £75
A winter weight  jacket made of wind stopper fabric, with side panels being a flexible wicking fabric;  small zipped side pocket and a larger zipped pocket at lower back.

Shorts and tights

Shorts   Max Price £43.50
Full (tights)   Max Price £50.50
Unisex cut, 8 different sizes, padded with BiElastic, mesh bib straps.  Colours and Club Name will match the Club jerseys.

Who will be the first to wear full West Surrey colours on a ride?

All of these products are cycle specific and tend to be “snug”, so it is worth checking sizing carefully before ordering; why not try on a jersey of another club member to check sizing (before a sweaty ride, that is)?  Also see the Owayo website.

This website will also provide you with fuller details of all the products, and you may also notice what excellent discounts we have secured for low order quantities.

My own personal experience of the jerseys is that they are of excellent quality, they can be repeatedly washed without losing colour or shape. Therefore, my opinion is that the prices we are now offered give excellent value for money.

Please note that I must receive your orders, by e-mail, by Sunday 25th October at the latest in order to be able to place an order which takes advantage of the favourable pricing.

Please specify:-
Precise Product Type (e.g Jersey, Wind Jacket etc)
Size (all available sizes are shown on the Owayo website)

I have already received orders from a few members for jerseys.  At the same time as this message is posted, I will e-mail those from whom I have existing e-mail orders to confirm that I have received your order.  If you wish to change the order, it is not too late, just advise me.

If you think that you have placed an order but do not receive an e-mail from me, it will mean that I have not noted your order; please e-mail me back as soon as possible with details of your requirements.
For more details of clothing with illustrations look at the Club Clothing page

Tomorrow’s ride and Midweek Wayfarers AGM

The ride tomorrow starts from Chobham, and incorporates the “AGM” of the Midweek Wayfarers, at coffee at Savill Garden.
I would hope that all riders feel free to provide feedback to ride leaders and myself at the end of each ride, or at coffee or lunch, but the AGM is intended to add a bit of focus to this process.  Please think what is good about our rides, what is not so good, and how they may be made (even?) better.
Typically the AGM does not take too long, although I will ensure that there is full opportunity for members to express their views.  However, it will be no surprise if I say that if anyone rambles I am likely to cut them short! – there is riding to be done, and the weather looks pretty good for tomorrow.
As always, I will lead the grade 4’s on a magical mystery tour, but I am sure that the other ride leaders have already planned something good for you to enjoy.
I look forward to seeing you tomorrow.
John Murdoch

Photos of September’s tour of southern France

I have uploaded my photos of this recent cycle tour to flickr:

DSC04359 Pont d'Arc

Barbara and George of Woking Cycle User Group were able to join me for the first week;  I was on my own for the second.  You will see some photos of the effects of serious flooding which occured during my trip, but fortunately most of the heavy rain fell overnight, and I only had one wet day, plus a few damp ones.

Transport improvements in Guildford town centre

Surrey County Council is consulting on proposals to improve walking, cycling and public transport facilities in Guildford town centre.

The consultation is open from Monday 5 October 2015 until Sunday 15 November 2015. They are inviting the public and other organisations to complete a questionnaire online or at exhibitions in October and November to share their views on the scheme. Full details of the consultation and exhibition can be found at:

The public exhibitions displaying the proposals and the information panels currently available online will be held in the Seminar Room at Guildford Library, at 77 North St, Guildford, Surrey GU1 4AL on:

Friday 16 October                10:00 – 17:30

Friday 23 October                10:00 – 17:30

Friday 6 November        10:00 – 17:30

(note that the plan envisages a number of ‘shared paths’ being created – have a look at this article)