Sunday 20 December 2015 – the Lash-Down from Lasham Ride

Following the JW Epic / Christmas Lunch ride of last Sunday, out of which I funked owing to…. well, lots of things really (but not a sense of foreboding – I am no soothsayer sadly), a sense of duty urged me to turn up for today’s ride, not to mention the proximity of the start to my domicile.

Under lowering skies and temperatures more akin to Gaza than Godalming, we set off by climbing the dreaded Holloway Hill before joining what I call my regular training ride – I do it at least once every two years: Enton (Water Lane) – Witley (Church Lane) – over the A286, but not before managing to fall off grace à M. Hackman, but entirely my fault for being so close as to be half-wheeling him; then he slowed and swerved somewhat abruptly; that’ll teach me! Once over the 286 it was my favourite lane and track all the way to Hindhead.

We continued happily westwards through Grayshott and Headley to reach the Greedy Frog garden centre at Oakhanger for morning coffee and nibbles. This is quite a new stop for us and really quite pleasant – made even more so today because it rained whilst we were there – and stopped by the time we were back on the road. Another 20 or so miles brought us to Lasham aerodrome and a spot of lunch.

Once devoured we headed off once again homeward bound but those lowering skies finally decided that we no longer deserved to remain dry. From a few light spots as we left Lasham, the rain slowly but innocuously increased in that fashion which inclines one to refrain from stopping to don waterproof in the belief that it might just ease up. After all, I was wearing for the first time my new West Surrey club Gamex windproof so perhaps it was worth testing for ‘waterproof-osity’. And in fact it did very well indeed; however, such was the length of the ride home, not to mention the deluge that we rode through, that I doubt even my trusty old Freestyle Goretex would have kept the rain out. Thankfully the mildness of the day meant that it was almost impossible to get cold and so one reached home soaked but not frozen solid.

My ride from Godalming was a respectable 100.4kms with 986m of climbing; Julian’s from West Horsley was considerably more respectable! Details of the route may be found here:

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A festive Christmas lunch for 20 G3s at the Scarlett Arms in Walliswood




Louise Gagnon writes….


Our cycling club attendance always rises on the days throughout the year when the advertised lunch venue is the Scarlett Arms. This time, we had reserved the place for our Christmas lunch and we were again treated to amazing service and superb food by Tracey the landlady and her team.

We had pre-selected our choice of meals and all was delivered promptly and flawlessly thanks to the professionalism of the staff under the watchful eye of Tracey who, I swear to God, in a previous life must have been a Sergeant-Major in the Parachute Regiment!

The open log fire and cozy main room made it the perfect setting for our rather festive group. We were unanimous in finding the whole experience superb value for money. So much so that I was glad to write a little review on Trip Advisor, giving the place a perfect rating.

Let me say a big, big thank you to John Child from all of us G3s of the Wednesday Midweek Wayfarers. We cannot thank you enough for having once again made best use of your initiative and meticulous organisation skills to make this Christmas lunch a memorable and very social experience for everyone. This Christmas lunch is a tradition started a few years ago by Neil Eason who also seem to have a penchant for the Scarlett Arms.

Only one complaint: could Bob McLeod and I sit different tables next year please? He kept eying my apple strudel and I found this most annoying, especially when he tried distracting my attention on two occasions.


G3s Christmas lunch at the Scarlett Arms in Walliswood (Dec 15)





Bob eyeing up Louise’s strudel




Sunday Riders’ Xmas lunch ride

The 13th was the Sunday Riders’ Xmas lunch ride and unlucky for John Weatherburn who had a brush with a van on the way down Leith Hill. Not lethal fortunately, but snapping the end off your femur is bad enough! Apparently they’ve reattached the broken bit with a screw – just like Roger Philo’s recent mend. Let’s hope it’s not one of those things that come in threes! Go carefully out there – the icy months are still ahead of us!

We all wish John a good recovery – and here’s a couple of photos from later in the ride when the sun came out for a bit.
