The day after the hottest day of the year so far came the second hottest and we were bound for the coast. Whilst some opted for some assistance, others opted to ride the full distance and here are some shots from the group which started riding prior to meeting at Rowlands Castle. In case you don’t recognise them, we have Tim and Debbie, Anne, William, Patrick, Nick, our great leader, Cap’n H, and yours truly, embarking on his longest ride of the year (so far, he hopes).

South Harting

The day didn’t start as bright as forecast and almost looked like it could rain a one point; but by the time we reached the coffee stop, the sun had come out for good and we enjoyed fine, sunny weather for the remainder of the ride. The route began by climbing up over Hindhead before running down through South Harting and on to Rowlands Castle, where we enjoyed some delicious eats at a historic house there. Remarkably soon after, I thought, we reached Bosham to find the spring tide very high, with the road round the shoreline covered in at least a foot of water.
Peter then led us along a cunning succession of tracks and paths, which involved passing some attractive yacht havens and even making a ferry crossing to Itchenor.


Approaching the ferry

The Itchenor Ferry

Lunch was taken at Dell Quay where the pub really is in a perfect position next to the water. Sadly the crab sandwiches had all been consumed before we arrived.

Lunch at Dell Quay

After lunch we took the Centurion’s Way to West Dean (almost), from where we rode to Midhurst for yet more refreshments at the Cafe Verdi; these proved useful as we then climbed up and over Bexley Hill before taking the usual lanes back to Witley and Godalming.

A great ride: thanks, Peter, for your usual expert leading.
Here is the route we took. Further details may be obtained from this link: