Oct – Dec rides

The rides for Oct, Nov and Dec 2018 have now been published and can be downloaded from here.

If you have them on your smartphone calendar they should automatically update.


Guildford Borough Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee session on Tuesday 11 September 2018 at 7pm, Millmead GBC council chambers.

“To consider the need for ‘Modal Shift’ in Guildford, how it will be achieved, and what might be learned by drawing on experience elsewhere”.

The meeting will include a presentation and discussion with Dr Steve Melia from the University of the West of England. Dr Melia lectures in transport and planning and has advised government departments on how to achieve more sustainable transport and helped with the transport planning of the London 2012 Olympic Park.

This formal council meeting will impact cycling and non-motorised transport facilities.

Click here for link to website



trip to Welsh Festival of cycling

A hardy delegation of West Surrey All Day Intermediates supported the Welsh Festival of cycling based in Ruthin this year.

Cycling at times “with heads in the clouds”, the scenery was superb as we tackled “epics” such as – The Shelf, Horsehoe Pass, Worlds End, Panorama Tea Rooms – and “the highest pub in Wales”

Derek & Anne