Surrey Hills AONB

The Surrey Hills offers some of South East England’s most beautiful and accessible countryside. Famous beauty spots include Box Hill, Leith Hill and the Devil’s Punch Bowl. You’ll discover an extensive footpath network, open commons, breathtaking views, attractive market towns and villages and much more.

And by ‘much more’ we all know that this means a wonderful network of beautiful lanes to cycle, not to mention some excellent off-road riding.

Our new CTC West Surrey cycling tops now incorporate the Surrey Hills logo, which has made them aware of our existence and we look forward to a fruitful partnership in the future, perhaps introducing some more people to the wonderful world of cycling.

Take a look at the Surrey Hills website

Illustrated Talk at Ripley – 18 April 2013

In return for Ripley Village Hall providing free viewing facilities during the recent Olympic Road Races, former National level rider, Wally Happy of the Norwood Paragon, is putting on, free of charge, at the Ripley Village Hall Annexe, an illustrated talk of events at Herne Hill,the only remaining 1948 Olympics venue still in use. Impoverished after WW2, we ran a superb ‘Austerity Games’ in which all our cyclists won a medal.

The talk will be given on Thursday 18th April, starting at 8pm. A donation of £1 per person to the Hall is suggested. All people interested in cycling are welcome. Refreshments will be provided.

Les Bowerman
(on behalf of Wally Happy and Ripley Village Hall)

Stolen Bikes ~ Can You Help?

Here’s a note from a couple who had their garage broken into recently. Details below. If you can keep an eye out for them – difficult we know – but you never know…  Contact Mark if you have any info.
Atum 22

Make: Giant Trance 2 MTB

Difference from picture below: bike had been fitted with gold hubs and cables, and white handlebar grips

Specialized Myka Pro

Custom titanium bike. 
Distinctive engravings on frame (above). Initials CRH engraved on head tube. Name engraved on seat post HOLMES

Josie Dew Talk ~ 31st January

Here’s a rather special event which members are sure to be interested in attending. The talk has already been moved from the school hall to the local village hall, so expect a good turnout for what promises to be a very enjoyable evening.

An illustrated talk by Josie Dew
Thursday 31stJanuary 2013 at 7pm
at Milland Village Memorial Hall
Milland, W. Sussex GU30 7NA
Local cyclist Josie Dew has cycled 457,000 miles across 6 continents and 49 countries (some of them by accident). The survivor of several wonky knees and a handful of bottom brackets, she is still firmly fixed in the saddle.
Josie will take you on a whirlwind tour around the world describing what it is like to cycle alone across America, around Japan, Iceland, India, Hawaii, New Zealand and North Africa among other places. She will also be showing pictures of her two trips this year – cycling 1000 miles across Holland, Germany and Denmark with her two young daughters.
Tickets £10
(All proceeds go to supporting cycling projects at Hollycombe School)
Ticket price includes a glass of wine or soft drink, as many of Josie’s homemade biscuits and chocolate flapjacks as you can eat (doggy bags can be provided for the still hungry) and a free puncture repair kit.
To buy tickets, send a cheque or cash directly to the school marking your envelope ‘Josie Dew Talk’. If you are able to enclose a SAE please do so. Please also provide an email address and/or phone number with your booking.
Hollycombe School
Wardley Green, Milland, Hampshire GU30 7LY
tel: 01428 741332

NEW Cycle Tops ~ get your order in quick!

Another order for the new cycle tops is about to be placed. If you want one – and let’s face it, how could you not! – you need to leap into action within the next couple of days.

Pease advise John Murdoch ( by Sunday 13th January at the latest, specifying size (small, medium, large, XL or XLL, bearing in mind that the jerseys are sized to be “snug”, so you may therefore require a larger size than normal) and whether short or long sleeved.  The price (£36.50 for short sleeved and £39.50 for long sleeved) is based on putting an order in for at least 10 shirts, and we will order at least that number this time. If you miss this order then it may be a while before we are able to place a further order at such a favourable price.