Woking Midweek Wayfarers’ Fast Ride ~ 6 March 2014

A group of about nine rode the 90km circuit from Mimbridge, although the number varied from time to time. There were plenty out on the other two rides also and we all came together briefly again at the Windsor Farm Shop where elevenses were taken.

The conditions were perfect: it was a really good day for riding – quite mild, very little wind and bright for the most part. There was still an amazing amount of water around though fortunately we were only forced to splash our way through a large-ish puddle once. The Thames looked very full still.

Although there’s a lot of built up areas to pass through, John Murdoch led the group along some delightful lanes once we had escaped the Windsor and Eton area. We headed off into Buckinghamshire and passed through some pretty villages, notably Cookham with its many pubs, and up and over a few small hills, which broke up the rhythm of this mainly flat ride. Taken at a good pace, several of us will remember the ride for some time, I feel! A great day!

To view the route in more detail: http://www.strava.com/activities/117960553

Passing through Eton

Passing through Eton


Crossing the Thames at Cookham

Crossing the Thames at Cookham

Cookham Village

Cookham Village


Today's Route

Today’s Route

Wednesday Ride

It really does seem that it will be quite a pleasant day tomorrow, so I hope that many of you will wish to join the weekly ride.  If you are thinking of driving to the start, there is ample car parking almost opposite where we are meeting; post code GU24 8AR.  As usual, there will be  a variety of rides after coffee at Windsor Farm Shop (good cakes), and some of us may well head out towards Cookham, just hoping that the floods have subsided.   John Murdoch

Dinner 1st March

Many thanks to all who attended the dinner on Saturday, I hope you had a very enjoyable evening; feedback appeared to be good, particularly about the venue.  Thanks to your generosity, we have been able to send a cheque to Hollycombe Primary School to help with a project to encourage young children to cycle, which Josie spoke about on the evening.  I have had a very nice e-mail back from Josie, thanking you all for supporting this project so generously, and saying what a “nice crowd” we all were; I think she and Gary really enjoyed it. I should also mention that the committee agreed to a small subsidy for the dinner, on the basis that it is our one main social event of the year, open to all, and it gets us all together as a club.  In effect, the club rather than the attendees paid for the meals for Josie and Gary, and their minor expenses; it amounted to about £1.50 per head.

Annual Dinner

Forgotten to book for the annual dinner this Saturday?  Not a problem, just contact John Murdoch by midday Friday and you could be accommodated.  However, if you fancy trout, you will have to choose another main course, as the Princess Royal are already sold out.