WMW Intermediates IOW ride 28 May

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Fast Riders – for details see Rides List

Intermediates – Use the 10:00am Portsmouth to Fishbourne car ferry. This is about 5 mins cycle ride from the station, close to the Spinnaker Tower and clearly signposted. If you are coming by car you should be able to park in the car park opposite the Wightlink terminal. Meet at 9:45 at the terminal. Book online to avoid admin fee.

If you wish to stay on for a bite in the evening, there is a good pub at Fishbourne – the Fishbourne Inn, very close to the terminal.
For those of you with Garmins, you should be able to download the proposed route from here (about 50 miles, there is an option to go on the cycle path from Freshwater to Yarmouth but at the moment I have planned the route to stay on roads) :
See you there!

Stonehenge 2014


Peter Hackman writes….

Thank you to all our participants without whom Nick, Marion, Bob and I would have had a very boring day!

Here are some photos of the occasion.

As well as the wild and very fierce animals we were treated to a bit of culture…Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata. The first time I’ve seen a pianist wearing cleated shoes!!

Peter Hackman

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