John Murdoch writes…
There is now less than a month to go before the Tour of the Hills, the Club’s major event of the year (and largest fundraiser by far), and one which is gaining an ever increasing reputation amongst clubs and riders. 
Whilst Don is “El Supremo”, it is very much a club event, which means that it not only needs club support to make it happen, but it is also when the whole club – riders from all the different groups, as well as current non-riders but still very much club members – can get together, represent the club, work as a team, and have fun.

The specific requirements are for:-
Marshals – it is essential that we marshal a number of controls, otherwise the event simply cannot take place. All that is required is that you turn up at a specified point and sign the cards of all the riders as they arrive, also making a note of who has passed though. The first control opens at about 10.00, the last just after 13.00, with early controls only needing to be open for an hour or so, but later ones (as the riders get more spread out, which makes the job of the marshal less hectic) needing to remain open for 3 to 4 hours. If you can help, please contact John Murdoch on 01276-681131 or johnmatsouthview@btinternet.com; early applicants will get priority in choosing their control.

Catering – this word hardly does justice to the amazing spread laid on by Louise and her team, last year, and having established the benchmark, this clearly needs to be maintained. That requires volunteers to help with the preparation and serving of the food, with stints generally being 3 hours or so. If last year is anything to go by, participants will certainly have fun. Please contact Louise on 01483-457739 or bridgethatgap@hotmail.com to volunteer