Peter Fennermore’s Group in the Surrey Alps (Hindhead) – 29 September 2013

No fewer than 17 riders showed up for this lovely ride. After a short Ride Leader briefing where we reviewed 3 or 4 key elements of our Club’s new Group Riding Guidelines, we suitably split into three groups and off we went for a 37 mile scenic outing. The riders had more than they had bargained for as the journey included a bike wash through a 7 inch deep ford just before the Frensham Pond coffee stop. It was a bit of a challenge to manage such a large group but thanks to some precious tips on the “signposting” technique from Helen Juden and Chris Jeggo, we graduated to a more fluid ride – that was more towards the end, mind you, but we got there!

The sun kept us company all day and much laughter could be heard during our “family” lunch at the Devil’s Punchbowl Hotel. Three new and very fit riders had joined us, Gillian from Guildford, and Clare & Allan Gibson from Godalming. We hope to see you again on our next rides. Meanwhile, Peter, a big “job well done” to you for having built up such a lovely group over the years!  (By Louise Gagnon).

Clare Gibson and Helen Juden; the growing presence of ladies on our rides is so refreshing.

Louise Gagnon, our Ride Leader for the day (replacing Peter Fennermore).

“Family” lunch at Hindhead: one of the many joys of cycle touring

Alan Gibson, fighting it out with the salt shaker as Clare looks on.

Thirteen of the seventeen riders having a hot brew at Frensham Pond.

The Welsh Festival of Cycling 2013

The Tanners, the Jeggos, Sue T and myself attended this excellent event which took place in late July and was based at Ruthin in north Wales. The weather was pretty good for the most part and the organisers had planned some excellent rides. Here are a few photos from the event.

The rally campsite at Ruthin Rugby Club

These ones were taken on my first day, when I went out on a solo jaunt collecting British Cycle Quest answers.

This is Ty Mawr, a National Trust property and birthplace of William Morgan, who translated the Bible into Welsh.

Llyn Crafnant

The Saturday had an organised ride down to World’s End and Llangollen which I joined, since I knew I could probably get a further two BCQ answers! This was a rather fast ride and it was good to be riding with a couple of old friends from my CTC days, Gwenda and Chris.

On the Sunday, I joined the B ride, along with all the other West Surrey members, and we headed north to the coast at Prestatyn.

Rhuddlan Castle

Chris Jeggo

Yours truly!

The third day group including Lowri, one of the rally organisers (4th from left), the Tanners, Sue and Chris, not to mention my old Audax mates, Steve Oxley and Ivor Jones.

Shooting Star ‘Hospice to Hospice’ Charity Bike Ride ~ Sunday 29th September 2013

Dear Nick,
I am emailing to ask you to help us spread the word of the Hospice to Hospice Bike Ride which is back for its second year, with new and exciting routes, including the cycling mecca, Box Hill! All we ask you do is forward this email to your club members and display the attached poster on your club noticeboard.
At Shooting Star CHASE, the families we support have to face very difficult situations. They all have a child or a teenager who is not expected to reach their 19th birthday. We are committed to caring for these families; we are there for every step of their journey, sharing the good times, and helping them through the tough times with practical and emotional support. With no guaranteed government funding we must raise £23,000 a day to continue our vital service.
The annual Hospice to Hospice Bike Ride will take place on Sunday 29th September. No matter what your fitness level, you can choose your challenge – cycle 70, 50, or 20 miles. This year, the bike ride will be starting and finishing at the beautiful Painshill Park, Cobham.
Entry fees include a t-shirt, training information and advice, refreshments along the route, commemorative medal and the opportunity to start and finish within Painshill Park.
This event is a great opportunity for friends, family, colleagues, or club buddies to get together, enjoy a great experience and raise money for a very special local cause!
For further details about Shooting Star CHASE or for any further information regarding this event please visit Alternatively you can contact us at or call us on 01932 823100.

Kindest regards
Emma Willshire

Challenge Events Fundraiser

Alps 2013

For the second year running, a group of West Surrey riders (Peter Hackman, Don Gray, John Findlay, Bob McLeod, Geoff Smith jnr, and Nick Davison), plus a “guest rider” from the flat lands of Norfolk (Robin King), ventured out to France for a week’s cycling and carbo loading. This year, after the previous “toe in the water”, a more adventurous trip was arranged, partly based on the beautiful location of Annecy, and taking in some classic climbs in the Haute Savoie region. For some strange reason, the group entrusted me to 

organise the basics such as hotels and route, on the feeble premise that if I could (usually) lead a group successfully in the Surrey lanes, then France would be more of the same, provided we remembered to ride on the right.

We were again indebted to the wonderful support provided by Ian Young, who transported our bags from hotel to hotel, and was also on hand to provide practical support when needed, such as when John suffered an explosive front wheel blow out, both inner and outer, on a fast descent; a new tyre was soon supplied.
We took in climbs such as the Col du Granier, Mont Revard, Col de la Forclaz, Col du Semnoz, and Grand Colombier, and records showed that in 7 days we climbed over 42,000ft. One highlight was certainly when we were having a look at the route for this year’s L’Etape, which Don will be riding, and on the descent of Mont Revard we noticed the Sky team cars, followed soon after by the entire Tour de France Sky team who were clearly recceing this key stage. We stopped at the next village to refuel (this descending can be so tough), and saw the team also taking a break (albeit not gorging on the cakes, as we were), so we were able to have a quick word with Chris Froome and others; we neglected to pass on any tips, but hope that Chris still manages to win the Tour.
The final section of the entire tour ended with an epic 10 mile descent back into Nantua, all top gear and line astern; very similar to the Sky team, just that even downhill we were probably averaging 10 mph less than them when on a flat team trial.
John Murdoch

Farnham Group Ride ~ 2 June 2013

The Farnham group enjoyed a gentle seaside ride from the outskirts of Chichester via bye-roads, lanes, fields and off-road paths to Bosham. Arthur writes:

The Farnham easy riders also enjoyed the South Coast last week end under our illustrious leader from Haslemere – the same who also lead the underwater Farnham ride around Bosham harbour two years ago! This year’s ride included a wide range of activities from road riding to cyclo cross, off road riding and even maritime activities. Do check out the notice boards beside some of the tracks!