35 mile Reliability Ride ~ 12 April 2015

Spring weather doesn’t come much better than what was dished out to us today; I trust everyone who didn’t take part in this event had something equally good going on – if you didn’t, you missed a perfect cycling day.

It’s a lovely route, tried and tested over the years, with the bonus in recent years of a good café stop at Kirdford. This is the route.

35 mile Reliability Ride Route

















Thanks, Hilary (to coffee) and Laurie (the whole way) for your company, particularly Laurie for your excellent pacing. The headwind home was challenging, particularly when you haven’t ridden a 50 mile ride since last year; suffering has never been so pleasurable. And I did just manage to make it up my hill without getting off – hurrah!


The Bicycle Icycle 2015

The ride took place on 15 March, starting at 09.30 although everyone was enjoying their tea and biscuits so much they actually didn’t leave the warmth of my new conservatory until 09.45. This disappointing level of enthusiasm for getting out into the fresh air wasn’t helped by the weather being significantly more dismal than on previous days: a very fine drizzle had started falling and it was decidedly un-warm.

Nevertheless, the following West Surrey folk set off: Martin & Heidi Vinson, Peter Hackman, Chris Jeggo, Julian Allen, Pat Daffern and Clive Richardson (7 riders). This year I didn’t join the ride sadly since I was getting over a cough and cold – a feeble excuse, I know.

The first rider back was Chris who admitted to taking a couple of shortcuts, so he’ll not be getting his points. The others rolled in not much later in a single group, at a little after 2pm, with Pat bringing up the rear a few minutes later. More refreshments were enjoyed before the group headed homeward.

I suppose, considering the weather, a turnout of seven is reasonable – the same number turned out last year and it was a much better day. The G&G Wayfarers were out for a half day ride at the same time but probably didn’t fancy a ride quite this long and hard. There were no riders from other local groups from further afield this time which was probably as a result of us not submitting this, or any of our other ‘flagship’ events up on the CTC’s main website or registering them as Touring Competition events. These errors have now been corrected. Our Audax events do get advertised better on the AUK website but for Touring Competition rides, we have to do the work ourselves. Perhaps next year we should attempt to do some additional promotion of our major events.


Sunday Ride with the Sunday All-Day Riders ~ 16 November 2014

Nine of us met at Godalming Station at 9am and the weather was mild and dry, so a happy group set off southwards to coffee at Wisborough Green. Cyclists everywhere as usual and loads at the café – luckily we got seats in this tiny but delightful stopover – the coffee’s good too! Don Jones turned up to see us – he wasn’t riding owing to a neck issue; Don, you need to be more careful with that violin playing!

Next we headed east towards Southwater and then Horsham for one of our favourite cafés – the one in the Park, where the food and drink is very reasonably priced: and what a change that makes! I reckon you need a good £15 to cover coffee and a modest lunch – today I got away with about £11. Good to see Paul Holmes here but he didn’t stay long with us, so I never got a chance to chat: sorry, Paul!

And so back homewards via Ewhurst. The group split soon after, some heading westwards and others continuing through Shamley Green and Wonersh and back to Guildford and Godalming.

My total distance was a respectable 55 miles. Here’s the route and, to view it in more details click here.

Sunday 161114 Route


Shades of Autumn

Yes, folks, we’re deep into the autumn season: winter definitely hasn’t arrived (thank goodness!) and autumn just goes on being really pretty wonderful.

Here then are a few images from a couple of rides undertaken by your Chairman in early/mid-November which I hope convey the atmosphere of this fantastic time of year. Amazingly, the trees are still looking quite green, but they’re turning and the forecast is for a stormy month ahead; we never know when the weather is going to start being difficult but they reckon it’s coming up soon. So, weather, do us a favour and don’t rush – we’re loving the cycling!

Photography isn’t easy at this time of year owing to low light levels; when the sun shines, there’s a lot of contrast between the shadows and the bright bits which the sun’s rays are shining on, so the quality isn’t high, but I hope my tweaking makes them enjoyable to look at and nice and atmospheric. Of course I should really be spending the time preparing my speech for the AGM on Saturday but I’d far rather be doing this – definitely no competition!

The first ride was with Clive’s Sunday Rollers, out and about on the 9th. The weather was really quite good and five of us (Clive, Martin, Heidi, Julian and myself) rode from Guildford Station up and over the Surrey Hills, past Leith Hill and down to Newdigate for coffee. Next, heading west, Clive guided us on lovely roads via Ockley, Walliswood, Alfold and Dunsfold to Godalming where Hector’s Boathouse provided us with early afternoon refreshments. It wasn’t a long day, I’m glad to say, because even the downhills seemed hard work today. There is a need to get out more.


Acting upon my earlier conclusion that I need to do more riding, not to mention remind the Wednesday bunch that I still existed (in preparation for their votes on Saturday – well, maybe…; then again, maybe not…) I braved the expected rain and headed out on the 12th to meet the group at the Normandy crossroads. Thankfully dry when I set out, the rain wasn’t long coming, but in actual fact, it really wasn’t too bad despite what the forecast predicted. It was mild too and the day turned out to be a thoroughly excellent one in every way. I opted to go with the medium paced group which consisted of ten of us – too many to name everyone – very ably led by Laurie, my Chairmanly adversary, no less!

The lanes were gorgeous and extremely wet but there was no stopping us. After climbing Wanborough Hill we took the lane through Puttenham to Seale and over Botany Hill before riding a new lane (to me) past lots of very posh houses – definitely Millionaire’s Row.

Morning refreshments were taken in the very busy Maltings cafe, after which we headed out west into the wonderful lanes of north Hampshire. The route is shown below and I have to say that much of this ride was along roads I’d never ridden before and what a joy that is!

We took lunch at the Anchor in Lower Froyle which is a lovely pub, albeit expensive – £8 for a sandwich with a few chips on the side? Hmmm! Then, rested and refreshed, we headed homewards. See below for the full route.


To view the route in Ride with GPS, click here

Guildford & Godalming Wayfarers Ride ~ 19 October 2014

It would have been difficult to find an excuse not to get out today. Mid-October and it’s shorts and short sleeves mode still – wonderful! That said, there was plenty of water around and care was needed on slippery roads. Nevertheless, the countryside was looking quite wonderful even though light levels were low, leading to some pretty fuzzy photos.

People out were Peter the leader, another Peter, Geoff, Hilary, Chris Jeggo and Roger; then at the Rural Life Centre cafe, we found Sue, Angela and David.

People went in various directions after coffee and giant slabs of fruit cake. After intending to go one way, I ended up going another and so endured the climb up Beacon Hill Road to Hindhead, to be rewarded by that lovely descent round the Punchbowl and down to Brook. A fabulous half day ride -only about 47kms in my case but just right; hope everyone else enjoyed the rest of their rides and thanks, Peter, as always, for leading.


To view route or download track: http://ridewithgps.com/trips/3662876

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