2018 Photo competition – and the winner is……

After a long (and heated!) discussion, the committee finally agreed a winner for our 2018 Photo competition.

Over 60 excellent entries were received and it was very difficult to make a unanimous decision, however the winner was eventually deemed to be:

Derek Tanner

with his very wet ride photo.

You can see all the other submitted entries below – sorry if you don’t agree, but the Committee’s decision is final!

Annual Dinner 2019

It has been pointed out that the heading in my post about the annual dinner showed the incorrect date, although the text of the message was correct.  The actual date is confirmed as Saturday 2nd March 2019. More details, including booking arrangements, will be provided in the New Year, although naturally you may wish to ensure that the date is in your diary.John

Consultation on making Lucas Green Road and Ford Road, West End one-way

This proposal affects cyclists. A mandatory one-way system would force cyclists, for some journeys, off minor roads on to the busy, narrow A322, unless contra-flow cycle lanes were included. An advisory one-way system might work, and would not affect cyclists.


This is by far the shortest questionnaire I have come across for years. There is no excuse for not doing it!


Annual Dinner 3 March 2019

The annual dinner will take place next year on Saturday 2 March, once again at the Princess Royal at Runsfold. Menus have not yet been agreed, but the choices will be advised later, probably early in the New Year. Meanwhile, you may wish to make a note of the date in your diaries. John

AGM Update

The Agenda, Draft Annual Report and Financial Report are now up on the website here for members to view prior to the meeting in ten days time, that is Saturday 27th October at 10am in Godalming at the usual venue.

There will be free tea and coffee prior to the meeting (supplementary charge for gin), but we’ll pay for the gin or another drink of your choice following the meeting. Please ask any member of the Committee on arrival how to claim your drink(s) – there is a process.

We know AGMs can be dull affairs but you can liven it up by voicing all those ideas you might have had about how we can improve what the Club offers its members; we have a very healthy and happy club at the moment but surely there’s something else we could be doing to make it even better! Do have a think on this and come full of ideas.

See you all there!