Club Cycle Tops – delivery

I have now received the delivery of the new cycle tops, and very smart they look too.  In order that I may deliver them to as many riders as possible, I intend to bring them to the New Year meet at Seale, and hope that those of you who ordered the tops can be there as well, and be able to transport them home with you.
If you cannot attend on New Year’s Day, please be in contact so that we may arrange a suitable alternative.
A reminder that the prices are £31.20 for short sleeved, £34 long sleeved, and £42 long sleeved winter weight.  I would prefer that payment is made electronically direct to the West Surrey bank account, and if you e-mail me I will let you know the bank account details.  Alternatively, you can pay by cheque on the day, cheques made payable to West Surrey CTC.

Club Cycle tops

The order for the next batch of cycle tops is about to be despatched, and I am pleased to confirm that the price (apart from the ladies pro-cut jerseys, for which I only have one order) will be no higher than the indicative prices advised on 17th November, and could even be lower.
I have received many orders (which keeps the price down) but it appears that some have relied on a previous expression of interest and have not confirmed that order since 17 November.  If that is is the case, please advise me as a matter of urgency, as the only orders I am placing are for those requests received after 17 November.   In order that you may check, I am placing orders for Roger Philo (2 jerseys), Chris Jeggo (2), Arthur Twiggs (2), Phil Gasson, Julian Allen, Tim and Debbie Richards, Louise Gagnon, John and Jane Gilbe,
Peter Fennemore, Paddy McLaughlin, Keith Stainer, John Findlay, and Peter Hackman.
If you are not on that list and wish to be, please contact me as a matter of urgency.
John Murdoch (01276-681131)

Club Cycle Tops – update

I am pleased to say that I have received plenty of orders for the West Surrey Cycle Tops (see post of 17 November) which means that we should be able to at least match the advertised indicative prices of £38 per jersey (£44 for ladies as superior quality, being “pro-cut”), plus £2.80 for long sleeves and £8 for winter fabric.  However, it also means that any additional orders placed now will not only benefit from that low price, but could also bring the price down even further (the supplier discount increases with increased quantity ordered).  Therefore, if you think you might like a Club jersey at some time in the future, now is the time to
order.  Just contact me to place an order, or for any enquiries you might have.  Closing date for orders remains Sunday 23rd
John Murdoch