All Ride Leaders should note that the workshop will be held on Saturday 9 May 2015 at the Bird in Hand pub at Mayford Green from 10:00am (doors open 09:45) to 12:00am. All current Ride Leaders, Backmarkers, and also those considering becoming a Ride Leader are invited to attend.
Many of you already know, eith er from my words at the annual dinner in February, or the Latest News post on 19 March, of John Weatherburn’s plans to to cycle 4,200 miles across America in May this year. However, others have asked for details of how to access his blog which can be found:
I would certainly suggest that even those who have visited the blog before do so again now, and feel even more committed to supporting him by visiting his site:
John is cycling over 4,200 miles across USA this summer – raising money for Cancer Research. See details here. (click on the title of this Latest News post to see the web page).
We hope you can all support him, hopefully we will be able to track his progress on this site, I’ll keep you all posted.