I am organising a couple of things which are not part of WSCTC’s formal programme – they are not on the Rides List. I have posted information about them on the the WS Forum, but have recently become aware that most members neither look at it regularly nor are subscribers (for email notifications), so they are not aware of the ride to the seaside I am organising this Sunday nor of my tour in S France in September.
WSCTC currently has two forums, ‘Discussions’ and ‘For Sale and Wanted’. If you already have a WSCTC user name and password you can log in and then, at the top of each forum page you will find a ‘Subscribe’ hyperlink. (If you are already subscribed it will say ‘Unsubscribe’ instead.) Otherwise you can go to either Forum page and find the ‘Register’ section at the foot of the left-hand column. Registering for a forum automatically subscribes you to that forum (as well as letting you post to it).
I’m fairly sure that’s how it works, but if I’ve got some detail a bit wrong I hope our Webmaster will provide a correction.
Please note that ‘Latest News’ and the Blog are intended for official stuff. The Forum is the place where unofficial posts may appear.