Club clothing – update

As a result of popular demand, another product has been added to the list of available clothing items in Club colours.  This is Men’s 3/4 length bib tights in Pro fit (tighter than Sport), priced at £60 for club members, and with sizes available being 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12; see Owayo website for full details on sizing.
If you would like to order this product, please e-mail me ( by this weekend latest, stating size.
John Murdoch

Club clothing order

A quick reminder that the very final date for placing an order for club clothing is this Sunday, 19th November; see the blog post of 20th October.
The cost of individual orders is prohibitive, which is the reason why we order in batches; once this order has been placed it may be some time before demand is sufficient to warrant another batch order, so if you want some more kit, I suggest you order now.  You will see that generous Club discounts have been made available.
Please e-mail me if you have any queries.
John Murdoch

Group 2 Coast Ride November 1st

Group 2 Coast Ride November 1st.

For a number of reasons, I have had to change the details of the Wednesday ride (1st Nov).

Meet Normandy Crossroads at 9am – different time!
Coffee will be at The Chocolate Frog, Oakhanger 22 miles
Lunch will be at The 5 Bells Buriton another 14 miles
Reaching Havant 13 miles later.

Train ride back direct to Guildford and Woking from Havant every 15 minutes.

Cycling Facilities in Guildford

The following message was received recently concerning provision of places to park cycles in Guildford High Street. I’m sure many of us would support this initiative so please take a few moments to send an email to Guildford BC’s Conservation Officer – full details below.

Dear Mr Waters

I am a member of the congregation of Holy Trinity Church in Guildford (top of the High Street).  We are currently engaged in a programme to encourage and support more sustainable lifestyles, not only amongst our own congregation but also the public. One aspect of this is to encourage more of our congregation to use their cars less and cycle into Guildford.  To this end, we are currently trying to persuade Guildford Borough Council to put 2 – 3 cycle racks outside Holy Trinity Church which would, of course, be available to everyone. Cllr Mark Brett-Warburton from Surrey County Council is pushing hard on our behalf because some of his cycling constituents are keen for more cycle racks to be available for those coming into the top end of the High Street from the east.

Although this is a Surrey CC matter, we need to get the agreement of Guildford Borough Council because the proposed racks will be in a Conservation Area. We have had a site meeting with Guildford Borough Council’s Conservation Officer – Marianna Beadsworth – but she is arguing that she has to see evidence of need. Would you be willing to support us in our initiative?   If you could write in support to  and copy it to me (, I would be really grateful.

If I can supply you with any further information, or if you would like to discuss this on the phone.  I can be reached on 01483 427585.

Kind regards

David Uzzell


Your Club Needs You

We’re looking for a new Treasurer and a new ‘ordinary’ Committee Member.

Our Treasurer, Arthur, would like to stand down – he’s been doing the job for quite some time now – and so we’re looking for someone to take his place. Arthur assures us that it’s an easy job and he’s more than happy to offer guidance to his successor.

Roger, who has worked tirelessly for the club for longer than I can remember, would like to step down because another job he does is proving more arduous than expected. This is a great opportunity for someone who would like to contribute modestly to the running of the club with a view, perhaps, to taking on one of the great offices at a later stage (but with no commitment at all).

If you are even slightly interested in either of these posts and would like to find out more, then feel free to get in touch with the present incumbent, or anyone else on the Committee with whom you feel a chat might be useful.

Normally these posts are ratified at the AGM which, as you know, is but a few days away….