GDPR compliance

Due to imminent regulation changes regarding the holding of personal data, the Club will shortly be sending emails to everyone requesting that they opt in or opt out to us retaining this information.

Please look at this page to view our policy.


Congratulations, not so little Richards

Congratulations to Tim and Debbie, they each recently competed in a road race in Cyprus, Debbie was podium in her age group (no need to ask a lady which one), Tim finished fourth, and they therefore both qualify for the World Championships in Varese later this year.  They should be out today riding with us lesser mortals, hope some of their expertise rubs off.

Prudential Ride London – places!

Thinking forward to glorious summer cycling days, perhaps you’ve just decided you want a challenge.

Joe Ward writes….

We have places available in the Prudential RideLondon-Surrey 100 at a discounted rate for team entries – the bigger the team the bigger the discount.

We would very much appreciate your support:

I write on behalf of VICTA, a national charity in the UK that works to empower children and young adults who are blind or partially sighted. We work hard to help our youngsters question limiting presumptions they might have, helping them to view themselves and their potential in a new way. We want them to be able to make a difference to their own lives.

Help us to help more blind children.

Kind regards

 Joe Ward

Fundraising Manager

Next quarter’s rides

The next quarter’s rides have now been added to the calendar and can be downloaded from the downloads page. If you have installed them on your smartphone they should automatically update.

The Midweek Wayfarers have two new start points, one near  Aldershot and one near Shalford which will open up new areas to explore.