Phil Hampton Memorial Ride

Please see the following announcement from the North Hampshire CTC:

I would like to draw your attention to our annual Phil Hampton Memorial Ride which is coming up on Saturday 21st March, and I wonder if you could advertise it to your members?  There are two routes, 30 miles or 50 miles, both beginning and ending at Medstead Village Hall.  A donation of £5 or more is requested, and all proceeds go to the Cyclists’ Defence Fund which supports cyclists in legal cases which help to clarify the law in relation to cycling.
Here is a link to our website which has full details:

Riders can enter at the start, but to save time on the day and to help the organisers with numbers, pre-entries are encouraged!
Thanks very much,

Dan Montgomerie

Posts re “Save our CTC”

Three posts, “Save our CTC”, “Paul Tuohy’s response to ‘Save our CTC’” and “Are you happy with the way CTC is going?” were moved from the Blog to the Forum.

Chris Juden’s posts on CTC Forum

I’ve been looking at the CTC forum.  Yesterday CJ (Chris Juden) posted two items which I think will interest you:

If you are not inclined to track all the way back through this thread, you might like to know that CJ’s first post quotes an earlier post by Si:

which in turn quotes a post by JohnW:

Plenty to think about here.

Does anybody know …

… what this is?  Photographed at an altitude of about 1300m overlooking the Grand Canyon du Verdon, Provence, France in mid-September.
