Magazine deadline

This is a reminder that 26th February is the deadline for submission of articles for possible inclusion in the Apr-Jun issue of The West Surrey Cyclist.  Send them to

Those of you who do not currently receive The West Surrey Cyclist might like to know that it appears quarterly.  In addition to various articles by members it includes the coming quarter’s Rides List.  It’s possible to receive the magazine either in printed form or by email as a PDF file.

ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION FOR PRINTED COPIES OF THE MAGAZINE AND RIDES LIST IS £6. Send a cheque payable to ‘West Surrey CTC’ to Phil Hamilton, 165 York Road, Woking GU22 7XS.

PDF COPIES OF THE MAGAZINE AND RIDES LIST ARE FREE. Send an email to to be added to the distribution list.

Dane Maslen, Editor

Annual Dinner 28th February

Thank you to those who have already responded and booked their places at the dinner on 28th February, which this year will feature not only the presentation of awards, some expected and some with an element of surprise, but also a short talk by Chris Juden, who no doubt has a fund of interesting stories from his 30 years working with CTC.
This is a final reminder for those who have not yet booked; please contact me by e-mail ( or phone to reserve your place and advise your menu choices; see post of 15 January for all further details.

Barry Rolfe


Barry Rolfe

We are very sad to advise the passing of Barry Rolfe, a former leader with the West Surrey CTC Group.

Barry died of natural causes whilst out riding last Thursday. Our deepest sympathy goes to his wife, Jacqui, and all his family and colleagues.

Barry had been a member of West Surrey CTC since 2010 and until a year ago was the Intermediates group leader. He was a prime mover in successfully restoring the group back to full health in 2013. It was typical of Barry that he put a great deal of effort into the rides he led, often doing a dry run and emailing details ahead of the day.

He laid down a standard that we all endeavour to follow today. A dignified, eloquent, courteous, wonderful man, he was much loved and will be greatly missed by us all.

The funeral will be public and so will be the wake at the local  Parkstone Yacht Club where Barry was Commodore ( on Friday 13th February at 1145 AM, at the Church of Transfiguration, Camford Cliffs, Poole.