Wednesday Ride postponed

The weather forecast for tomorrow is still promising heavy rain, high winds, and even the possibility of snow on higher ground.
I have therefore decided to postpone the ride by a day, to Thursday 10th March, all other details to remain the same.  I appreciate that it will not suit all, some plan their weeks to make sure they can cycle on Wednesday but cannot manage Thursdays, but I really feel that there will not be too much disappointment at missing out on the wind and the rain.
I shall be at the start (I may be a touch late, commitments for first thing in the morning, so please just wait for me) and will lead the 3’s and the 4’s; it is a relatively flat ride, so that should be fine.  At the moment I do not have definite ride leaders for the 1’s and 2’s, but please feel confident in turning up, I will try to arrange something suitable on the day.  At the very least you should be meeting up with friends and be able to go on a social ride together, not an organised West Surrey one, so it might be more important for you to bring a map (or GPS).

Tomorrow’s Ride, 9th March

The weather forecast for tomorrow is currently dire, heavy rain for most if not all of the day, and high winds.  I cannot believe that there will be much demand for a ride, and would not want to require leaders to turn up in such conditions.  Of course, riders may wish to go out on their own, and there is also the possibility of postponing the rides for a day, to Thursday.  I should be able to lead the 4’s that day, at this stage I cannot guarantee any further ride leaders.
Of course, the forecast might change, I will monitor the situation, and will post a further note, with a decision and update, late this evening or first thing Wednesday.  Please make sure you look for this before heading out (in the rain).

Annual Dinner 5th March

A reminder that the annual dinner takes place tomorrow.  Bookings have now closed, and we have 65 attendees, which is wonderful support for the evening.  I have just sent an e-mail to all who have booked to confirm arrangements.  If you think that you have booked, and do not receive an e-mail shortly, please contact me direct.

G-BUG – new Guildford cycling campaign

G-Bug posterDo you want to join G-Bug – a new Guildford Cycling campaign?

G-BUG is a new cyclists’ user group in Guildford and the aim is to galvanise the support of as many cyclists as possible to improve cycling facilities in the town

Meeting March 2nd at Guildford Borough Council offices. If you would like to attend please advise Doug Clare (07836 528723) so they have an idea of numbers.

G-BUG agenda

Forty Years Ago

In 1976 there was no newsletter, no magazine, no website, only the Runs List to record our weekly doings.  I have added a couple of Runs Lists from 1976 to the online archive, at:

There was also ‘News from our District Reporters’ in the CTC magazine ‘Cycletouring’.  The online archive also includes such West Surrey news from 1974 onwards, and I have just extended the coverage up to 1982 (previously 1980) so that the first few editions of our Audax rides ‘Stonehenge and Back’ and ‘Tour of the Hills’ are now included.