2023 Photo competition

This year’s competition attracted a record of over 100 entries!

The winner was Matt Carolan with this photo of tired riders coming back from the Isle of Wight on the ferry. The other entries are shown below.



South Western Road Club events May 21st 2023

West Surrey Cycling Club members are invited to participate in these events:

  • Two routes 55 and 100 miles.
  • Fully signed and marshalled .
  • Wonderful refreshments.
  • Chip timing.
  • Sag wagon and mechanic.
  • Free sports massage at the finish.
  • Musicians at main feed station and to greet finishers at Cobham Village Hall.
  • Vintage Velo route is a challenging 45 miles with feed station.

All proceeds go to our two charities:
fullcirclefund.org.uk (supports children and adults at St George’s Hospital.
Also Kent and Surrey Air Ambulance.


Bus lanes consultation

Bus lanes are cycle lanes too!  Please complete the consultation , it takes less than 5 minutes.

Surrey County Council (SCC) is offering to install cameras to discourage unauthorised vehicles from using the cycle and bus lanes. Some motorists are objecting and suggesting the bus lanes should be scrapped altogether and in some cases have succeeded.

The comments section of the consultation allows you to express your opinion. 

  • New housing estates in Guildford, Dunsfold and Ripley will increase traffic, making the existing traffic jams in Guildford seem minor. We must provide attractive alternatives to personal cars in order to meet CO2 targets, reduce pollution, and improve personal fitness.
  • Bus lanes help reduce conflict between cyclists and cars, and help produce a safer environment for cyclists.
  • Bus lanes help speed up bus services.
  • Bus lanes reduce commuting times for those who rely on buses to get to school, work or appointments.
  • Bus lanes help support those who cannot afford a car, or who can’t drive.
  • Active Travel on foot or cycle frees those without access to a private car, including children.
  • Active travel frees parents from taxi services.
  • Active travel, walking to the bus, cycling builds exercise into your daily life and thus produces fitter and healthier people

G-BUG campaigns for safer active travel infrastructure to encourage walking, cycling, and human powered wheels, that is, any alternatives to the private motor vehicle.

Pat Daffarn & G-BUG team

Photo competition 2023

PHOTO COMPETITION – WSCC cycling in the lock-down years
We are again inviting entries to our Photo competition. The theme this year is “WSCC cycling in the lock-down years”, so any photos you’ve taken on club rides taken since March 2020 are eligible.
So please submit them to me (johnmchild@yahoo.co.uk ) as soon as possible (latest date 22 March) as we will be announcing the winner at the Club Dinner on Friday 24 March
 If you haven’t got any suitable photos, there’s still time to get out on your bike and start snapping!
Previous winners:

2018 winner

2019 winner

club kit – chance to order

Chance to Order – Sunday 12 March Deadline

It’s been almost 18 months since we last completed a club kit order, and with summer just around the corner this seems like a good time to re-open the club shop. With so many new riders having joined us in the last couple of years, I feel sure that many will want to make an order.

Since our last order, the UK distributor of Alé, (who make the kit) has changed, but I have now had confirmed prices from the new supplier and (miraculously) they do not seem to have increased – in fact they are very lightly lower than the standard prices we have paid before!  Here are the products and current prices:



Short sleeve jersey


Long sleeve jersey




The short sleeve jersey and gilet are available in men’s and women’s styles, but the long sleeve jersey is available only in one style (and – sorry ladies – it isn’t women’s). The sizing runs from XS, S, M, L and all the way up to 5XL. By now, there is good knowledge throughout the club about the idiosyncrasies of Alé sizing, so if you are unsure please either phone a friend or contact me for advice.

We need to order a minimum of 5 items of each kit category, but that can be aggregated across men’s and women’s styles, so there’s a high likelihood that all options will be available.

We will make one central order that will be delivered to my house in Send.  It will then be up to you to arrange collection from here. Payment will be due to the club account once orders are confirmed.

Please let me know if you would like to make an order.  The timing is as follows:

  • All orders to be placed by no later than Sunday 12 March
  • Delivery is anticipated by early to mid May

I am also still holding a very few items in stock from the last order (2 short sleeve jerseys and 2 gilets) so you might be lucky enough to receive your order early.
