Club clothing available

We have in stock a few items which are available to purchase:

Short sleeve jerseys L and XL. –  £30

Long sleeve jerseys L and XL – £33

Women’s short sleeve jerseys sizes 6 and 7. – £43

These are excellent value so if you missed the last order and would like one please email John Murdoch

Next quarter’s rides

The next quarter’s rides have now been added to the calendar and can be downloaded from the downloads page. If you have installed them on your smartphone they should automatically update.

The Midweek Wayfarers have two new start points, one near  Aldershot and one near Shalford which will open up new areas to explore.

Snowy Icycle

(1)  Further to recent posts re The Bicycle Icycle, this year is not the only one where ice or snow has been a feature.

(2)  Here is a photograph taken during the Surrey Saunter (the old name for The Bicycle Icycle) which took place on 5th March 2006:

*****  Now, here’s the thing  ….  *****

There’s a FREE PINT for the first person to explain why the two statements above, taken together, are not totally true.

The Welsh view on the Bicycle Icicle

Further to Mark’s post re the Bicycle Icicle, views from Wales:

From a spring day with frolicking lambs on Friday:

To snow stopped cycling on Sunday

and the poor farmers are desperately trying to save the lambs