Prudential Ride London, 2019 – Charity Places available

For anyone who was unsuccessful in the recent ballot, or who just fancies the challenge of participating in this year’s Prudential Ride 100 (on 4 August 2019, 100 miles on closed roads, starting at the Olympic Park and ending on the Mall via the Surrey hills), you might like to know that Oakleaf Enterprises, a locally based charity that works to provide vocational training for those suffering from mental health issues, has up to 30 charity places available for anyone who can commit to raising at least £250 for the charity.  In addition to a place on the ride, you will get a personalised Oakleaf cycling top and support for completing the Ride 100 application.

For further details and an application form, click here or send an email to for full details.

2019 Fleet Flyer

Registration is now open for the 2019 Fleet Flyer event, taking place on Sunday 12 May 2019. 

There are three exciting routes to choose from – a c 20 mile family friendly route to more challenging c.55 and c.90 miles routes. All routes start and finish at the Everyone Active Hart Leisure Centre  in Fleet, with plenty of free parking and a cafe. The roads around northeast Hampshire pass through some glorious countryside; it will be well marshalled and signposted, with feed stations along the way. Included in the entry fee is 3rd party insurance for every rider. All riders must wear helmets

Using GPS devices

Laurie Mutch has written this excellent guide to plotting cycle routes using different route planning websites, and then shows how to download them to your GPS device.

To see the guide click here

Photo competition 2019

The committee has decided to run the photo competition again next year, prize to be awarded at the AGM. We are looking forward to seeing your amusing/dramatic/artistic photos.
Photos must be taken on any of our club rides over the next 12 months – so you’ve got plenty of opportunities to get snapping!.

2018 Photo competition – and the winner is……

After a long (and heated!) discussion, the committee finally agreed a winner for our 2018 Photo competition.

Over 60 excellent entries were received and it was very difficult to make a unanimous decision, however the winner was eventually deemed to be:

Derek Tanner

with his very wet ride photo.

You can see all the other submitted entries below – sorry if you don’t agree, but the Committee’s decision is final!