The club has received several approaches inviting WSCTC members to apply for charity places on the Prudential Ride 100 ride on Sunday 4 August 2019 (and we already have 2 blog posts on this topic from other charities). Rather than bombard the web site with multiple blogs, here’s a quick summary of the approaches we have had (this will be updated if we have more requests):
Royal National Institute for the Blind (RNIB) – details at www.rnib.org.uk/ridelondon
UNICEF – details at unicef.uk/ridelondon
Genetic Disorders UK – details at http://www.geneticdisordersuk.org/getinvolved/cycle#prudentialridelondon
Oakleaf Enterprises – details at https://www.oakleaf-enterprise.org/ridelondon1002019/
Action for Children – details at https://www.actionforchildren.org.uk/how-to-help/fundraising-events/prudential-ridelondon-surrey-100/ only £50 registration and £50 minimum sponsorship. Email Megan
So, that’s plenty of options to choose from if you would like to participate in this impressive closed road event whilst helping to support these very worthy charities.