Bridleway Smuggler’s Way, The Sands to Crooksbury Common

Do you know this path?
There is a path from Smuggler’s Way in the Sands to Crooksbury Common that is under threat of being closed. I have shown the path in magenta.


The surface shows that the path is in regular use by walkers and cyclists and I think that I may have seen the occasional equestrian as well.

The landowner has started the process (section 31 deposit) of saying that this path is not a Right of Way. If I can find sufficient evidence of usage then it may be possible to have the path formally added to the Definitive map as a public Right of Way.

If you have used the path or know of any other people who have used it, then please get in contact with me either by phone, 01252 725888 or by email

David Ross

Footpath Secretary Farnham Ramblers
Coordinator Farnham Wayfarers

WSCC Annual Dinner bookings – last chance

This is a final reminder to all club members that orders are closing soon for places at the club’s annual dinner, to be held at the Princess Royal in Farnham (GU10 1NX) on Saturday 7 March, 7.30pm.  We have now been informed that the final closing date for bookings is Wednesday 25 February (not today as previously indicated).  So you still have time to make that booking!

The easiest way to book is via the web link below, which takes you straight to menu choices and prices:

 Or look at the previous news item posted by Angela on 5 February for full menu details and prices.  Please also note that the prices include complimentary teas/coffees after the meal.

New Club Kit Announcement

As many of you know, your committee has been working to create a new WSCC kit, and we have now agreed a supplier and fresh new design.

Further details of the new club kit will be made available at the club dinner.  To provide an extra incentive to attend we will be running a prize draw to win a new WSCC jersey.  Entry to the prize draw will be automatic for everyone who has bought a ticket to the dinner, with the winning ticket to be drawn when we award trophies etc.

The new club kit will be produced by Alé, a high quality Italian brand (Cranleigh cycle club also uses this supplier for their new kit).  The timetable for ordering will be:

·      Orders to be made by the end of March

·      Delivery (direct to club members) by end of May

I’m expecting to take delivery of a stock of Alé clothing that we can try on in order to assess sizing during the first week of March.  I will aim to bring that to the start of the G3 and G4 Wednesday rides on 4 and 11 March, and it will be available to all to try for size prior to the club dinner at the Princess Royal (from around 6.30pm on 7 March).  I will also endeavour to make the trial kit available to other groups and individual club members during this early March window.

I hope all the above is clear – let me know if you have any questions.  And we look forward to seeing as many of you as possible, with your guests, at the dinner on Saturday 7 March.


Prudential Ride London-Surrey 100 – £80 registration fee

We have just received this offer of a charity place with a low registration fee and no minimum fundraising target:

Prudential Ride London-Surrey 100
£80 reg fee, no fundraising target

Scope are specially offering all West Surrey CTC members places in Prudential Ride London-Surrey 100 2020 for a one-off price of £80. That’s the same price as it would cost to get a place through the ballot.

We’re not asking you to fundraise to any specific amount, just that you raise what you can. This is the only year we are offering this and it is not on offer to the general public. We’d really appreciate it if you could circulate this with your members.


Emily Gordon
Scope Events

Click here for details