Sign up more members!  Join our Committee!

The COVID-19 crisis has seen more and more people around the world dusting off their bikes and enjoy cycling as a safe and healthy way of getting around. Guildford is no exception.

Cycling is back on the agenda. Taking more journeys by bike improves our health and well-being, is good for local businesses, reduces toxic air pollution and helps tackle the climate crisis.

As we emerge from the COVID-19 crisis, there is a risk that we will see a return of the heavy traffic, polluted air and dangerous roads that we are used to in Guildford. This is a moment of huge opportunity.

Even before Covid-19, there has been growing investment to encourage cycling. In Guildford, several major projects are under way, including the Sustainable Movement Corridor, the Town Centre Transport Package and a report commissioned by Guildford Borough Council has proposed a more comprehensive Borough cycle network.  The Council has also supported the establishment of a Guildford Godalming Greenway, proposed jointly by G-BUG and Godalming Cycle Campaign.

As a result of the Covid crisis, more forward looking towns and cities across the UK are building protected cycle lanes and establishing low traffic neighbourhoods. The Government is providing support and funding for local authorities to reallocate road space for cycling and walking. £6.4m has been earmarked for Surrey, including two major projects for Guildford, as part of the second round of the Government’s Emergency Active Travel Fund, and there is further funding in prospect.

It is important that in all these projects, Guildford cyclists are consulted to ensure that the funding is well invested.

G-BUG is an inclusive and welcoming group working to make cycling in Guildford safer, more convenient and enjoyable. We are doing this by working closely with local authorities, businesses and the wider community. There are some positive signs of change in Guildford but there is a huge amount of work to do and we need your help!

First, please encourage others to join our group by asking them to provide their email address at our website www.g-bug.org/join. This allows us to increase our reach and mobilise more supporters for our campaign to improve cycling in our town, which in turn amplifies our authority with key decision makers.

Second, to take a more active role in G-BUG you could join our Committee.  You will have a chance to use your own experience of cycling in Guildford to improve the implementation of existing schemes, and to initiate new schemes. We would particularly welcome anyone able to represent particular interests such as schools and businesses, and anyone with experience leading cycle rides. Please email info@g-bug.org for more information.

If you are interested in finding out more and would like to get involved follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/guildfordcycling and LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/g-bug/ .

If you think this email might be of interest to someone you know, please do send it on.
Safe Cycling!

The G-Bug Team


We need your help to secure funding for two major new cycling schemes for Guildford.

Surrey County Council (SCC) has been awarded £6.4M from Tranche 2 of the Department for Transport’s Emergency Active Travel Fund (EATF). SCC has identified 10 potential projects across the county, costing a total of £7.8M. Given the shortfall, it will be necessary to select which will actually go ahead. Following a backlash against some pop-up cycling schemes implemented in EATF Tranche 1, Dft now requires that Councils show evidence of support from residents before granting final approval.

Of the 10 projects, two are in Guildford:a cycleway along London Road from Boxgrove Roundabout to Burpham; and resurfacing of Dagley Lane between Shalford Park and Shalford Village (part of the Guildford Godalming Greenway). To secure funding for these projects in our town, it is important that we show that there is local support.

Full details on the two schemes and how to support them are given on our website: see the post for 24th November on the home page, or just follow this link:


If you think this email might be of interest to someone you know, please do send it on.

Thank You and Safe Cycling!

The G-Bug Team

WSCC Kit Update – November 2020

I hope you are all keeping active and well during the current lockdown. Let’s hope it will soon be possible to meet up again on club rides.

In the meantime, here’s a quick update on club kit. The latest order has been delivered, with a handful of items still awaiting collection. In addition, we have some items either in stock or available from members, as follows:

Short sleeve jersey.   M, L, XL, 2XL.    £45.00
Long sleeve jersey.    L, XL.    £55.25
Gilet.   M, L, XL.    £50.40

These are all men’s sizes, but due to the very small sizing of the short sleeve jerseys it’s worth noting that the M and L sizes are much more likely to be a good fit for women members.

Due to an error made by Alé in fulfilling the latest order, there is also a potential opportunity for us to make some extra orders of the short sleeve jerseys and gilets. If you are interested in this, and none of the above sizes is right for you, please let me know as soon as possible and it might be possible to add your requirements to a special top-up order.


Across Spain the Roman Way – Paul Gillingham

Just to let you know I’m giving a long-distance cycling talk, ‘Across Spain the Roman Way‘ this Saturday at 2 pm for Globetrotters Travel Club, London, which is available online. It is based on the bike ride my son Joseph and I did across Spain last year.

If you are free and would like to tune in, go to:  http://globetrotters.co.uk/local-meetings/london-meetings/lm-schedule.html  and click on to the Online Meeting for this Saturday (Nov 7th). It’s available to non-members, but you will need tickets for a small donation (£1 to £5). You don’t have to join the club. See the link.

The second talk is by a well-known traveller and expert on Morocco, Alan Palmer.

It’s my first Zoom talk, so fingers crossed!

Very best wishes,


AGM – change the date!

AGM and Annual Photo Competition – change the date!


As many of you will be aware, we normally hold the club’s AGM in early November in accordance with our Constitution. This is timed to coincide with the annual returns that member clubs are obliged to file with CUK at this time of year. However, for a number of operational reasons Cycling UK has announced that it has moved its financial year-end to 31 March, and that this will be a permanent change.

CUK has informed us that it will be sending out the Annual Returns packs to member clubs at the beginning of February, and is asking to have them completed and returned before the end of April.

This change of timing will necessitate a change in the timing in the preparation of our annual accounts, and of our AGM, which we now plan to hold in May 2021. (It also means that we will need to amend the Constitution, and our accounts and returns for this year will encompass an abnormally long period, but then 2019/20 was always going to be an oddity). We will announce a date for the AGM soon, and nearer the time we will need to consider whether the meeting can take place in a physical forum or, in line with many other clubs and societies, to stage the AGM on Zoom.

Feel free to get in touch if you have any questions or concerns about this change of date.

All members of the Committee have agreed to stay on until the new AGM date.

Photo competition

We previously announced that our annual photo competition would have a deadline of September, to allow us to judge and announce the winner at the AGM. With this revised AGM timing, we have decided to push back the deadline for entries to April 2021. Photos this time will be judged on the most creative setting for our new club shirts!

Spond and the Rule of 6

Finally, please take some time to review the guidelines that Laurie Mutch and John Child have put together on how to use Spond – they can be found here.

Spond is proving to be a really flexible, efficient and convenient way for the club to manage and advertise rides whilst ensuring compliance with the Rule of 6. It can be readily accessed either via the creation of an online account, and/or through the Spond smartphone app. We encourage all WSCC ride groups to take a look at it to see how this tool can be used to keep our club open for business.