See details of the Brighton Breezy Randonnée taking place on 7 September on the Calendar
Louise Gagnon writes . . . .
Who would have thought that (a) the awful weather forecasted 24 hours earlier could change so dramatically and so positively and (b) SPF factor 30 barely coped with the bright sun and 28.5 C ?!
Riders came out of the woodwork and eagerly joined the two Johns (John Murdoch and John Child) as they led memorable remote start rides down from Rowlands Castle.
The grade 3s led by John Child ventured thru Bosham, exploring the lovely lanes around the coastal area back to Chichester. A mere 47 miles given that we were “delayed” at the Bosham ferry crossing. We however made the best of this fallow time catching up with accounts of each other’s summer vacations. As one rider so accurately pointed out, such remote start rides truly bring out the “kid out for the day to play” in all of us; we were only 30 miles from home but it is as if we had landed on a foreign shore. A great day out!
enjoy a sociable ride, and not argue too much over the route to follow! – the Paragon Pub is the Percy Arms at Chilworth. It is also possible that there will be a grade 3 ride leader at Ripley, but as per the actual programme this is not guaranteed; to confirm, the grade 3 ride this week is from Stansted House.