Rides on Wednesday

There will again be two rides this coming Wednesday, with an “away” ride from Rowlands Castle to take advantage (we hope) of the fine summer weather in a lovely area.  That ride will suit both grade 3 and 4 riders, with leaders being myself and John Child; we may combine the rides, depending on numbers and inclination.  I nave not yet finalised any route, and as ever will adjust to suit, as best I can, the wishes of the group as a whole, but if the weather is good it would seem a shame not to head towards the coast.  I plan to meet the train at Rowlands Castle (10.21 arrival) and ride from there to coffee at Stansted House.
There is also an advertised grade 2 ride from Ripley, but please note that Rico will be absent this week.  With the experience of “his” group, I am sure that those who turn up will
enjoy a sociable ride, and not argue too much over the route to follow! – the Paragon Pub is the Percy Arms at Chilworth.  It is also possible that there will be  a grade 3 ride leader at Ripley, but as per the actual programme this is not guaranteed; to confirm, the grade 3 ride this week is from Stansted House.

Surrey Hills Society

image004(West Surrey CTC is a member of the Surrey Hills Society)

Surrey Hills riders

Message from the Chairman, Surrey Hills Society

Chris Howard writes….

Firstly, we have been asked by the National Trust Ranger at Leith Hill, Ruby Cole, to assist her in raising £6,000 for a newly restored drinking water fountain to be located by the Tower for the 600,000 visitors that come to this beautiful site each year, be they people, dogs or horses.  The water fountain is to mark the 250th birthday of Leith Hill Tower. I think this is a very appropriate project for the Surrey Hills Society to support, and easily achievable.  Ruby has already raised almost half of this sum but needs help to raise the balance.

Secondly, the Prudential Ride London/Surrey event takes place on 10 August and we have been given two free places for sponsored charity cyclists. Our two riders for this year are the sons of our newsletter editor, and long-time supporter, Diane Cooper. I do hope you will consider sponsoring our young riders who will be waving the Surrey Hills flag for us on this day.  Whilst I recognise that a number of our members may have been adversely affected by the increasing popularity of cycling, this is nevertheless an opportunity for us to derive some benefit to the Surrey Hills. The Cooper boys are proud to be cycling the 100 miles on our behalf and are happy for us to donate whatever sum they achieve to go towards the water fountain.

Could I politely invite you to either sponsor the boys, Darren and Phillip Cooper via their Just Giving site at www.justgiving.com/thebrotherscooper  or send a cheque made out to the “Surrey Hills Society”, direct to me at Green Grove, Sweetwater Lane, Shamley Green GU5 0UP, to support these three young people in their endeavours.

Thank you.

This is an opportunity for us to achieve a positive outcome from having the Cycle Race here in Surrey, an opportunity to help improve the visitor experience at Leith Hill and an example of the way that the Surrey Hills Society can add tangible benefits to the Surrey Hills AONB.

Yours sincerely,

Chris Howard,

Chairman, Surrey Hills Society

Hospice2Hospice Team Challenge

Hospice2Hospice logo

Shooting Star Chase invites CTC West Surrey Cycling Club to take on their team challenge!

Emma Willshire writes….

Our Hospice2Hospice Bike Ride is our annual ride around Surrey taking place on Sunday 21st September and we would like to invite CTC West Surrey Cycling Club to join us for a charity ride with a difference!

Our distances include 30, 60 and 80 mile routes passing through Bushy Park, Newlands Corner and Box Hill – a very similar route to Ride London-Surrey 100 and the Olympic Road Race.

How you can get involved…

CTC West Surrey Cycling Club have the chance to go head to head with other local clubs, corporate supporters and groups of keen cyclists to win a team celebration dinner at a surprise location! Each member of the team will also receive a selection of cycling goodies worth over £50!

Our new Team Challenge package gives teams of six the chance to compete against other riders. For every mile covered by your team in the Hospice2Hospice Bike Ride 2014 you will be rewarded 10 points. For every pound you raise you will be rewarded 10 points. The team with the most points as of Sunday 21st September will be the winner. No matter what distance your team members choose to cycle, you still have the opportunity to win!

As well as the Team Challenge, the top individual fundraiser for the event will be rewarded with a brand new Boardman bike worth over £500, as well as the opportunity to ride this in the 2015 Ride London-Surrey 100 so don’t forget to set up your fundraising page too!

Click here: Registration is now live

Team entry is £180 (£30 each)

Included in your team entry fee is

  • one Shooting Star Chase cyclist vest for the team captain (worth £35)
  • access to the team challenge marquee
  • post event massage
  • celebratory drink for you and a friend or loved one
  • exclusive team start times
  • a free bike check from Sigma Sport
  • fully signed and marshalled route
  • event t-shirt
  • cold refreshments
  • recovery support en-route
  • commemorative medal
  • as well as training and fundraising advice!

For more information please click here to visit the website: Hospice2Hospice Bike Ride 2014 website.

Should you have any questions regarding the day please do not hesitate to contact me on the details below.

We hope to see you there!

Emma Willshire
Challenge Events Fundraiser | Shooting Star Chase

dd: 01932 823137| t: 01932 823100 | m: 07772 899712 |  w: shootingstarchase.org.uk

3 cafés tour with Sunday Riders 27/07/14


Bob McLeod



Bob McLeod writes….


Peter has just returned from holiday so is somewhat pushed for time. As I took these few snaps he has delegated the report to me, Bob. 

I’m not a regular Sunday rider but Pauline was busy at Rustic Sunday in Tilford so I was a free agent for a whole day. Dane has claimed that their Sunday rides are no faster than group 4  so this was a chance to test that hypothesis.
Farnham leisure centre is a good meeting place as the facilities including coffee are available and there was a triathlon transition from the bikes to watch; including some of those streamlined helmets rushing in.
There were eight of us, all bar one of us identifiable from the pictures. My apologies to Chris Boggon who was on a very elegant recumbent, although being made of steel it didn’t stand a chance uphill.  Chris left after coffee at Sherfield on Loddon before I managed to grab a photo of him.

Just missing Chris who got stuck behind the vehicle

The GC at Sherfield had a pleasant garden where we relaxed with compulsory cake and drinks. The main road was busy as we left but the traffic stopped for us to cross the road and take the path. Shortly we saw approaching members of Fleetcycling in their flashy new kit. Such was our combined closing speed that I was only able to yell a quick greeting to a few friends who I cycle with on Thursdays.
We skirted round Basingstoke to the North through some unfamiliar, to me, lanes that sometimes offered shade although we mostly had a pleasant breeze from the west to keep us cool.
Popham airport was another new venue to me and very nice it was in the sunshine. Lots of activity on the airfield that Peter with his background was expected to know all about. He did very well. The snacks from the air conditioned club room were fine and the staff very welcoming. The group have a very relaxed approach, there was no rush to get moving. Some time was spent in choosing where we should have afternoon tea. We settled on Gloria’s in Selbourne. The route was a mixture of lanes we knew from rides around Micheldever, ——-

Just checking.

——-followed by a part of the Danebury and then with help from Danes GPS we got there after 4 but the tearoom was still open and gave us a friendly welcome. Anne had found this little cafe a short while ago and we can certainly recommend it for small groups like ours, just seven of us.

Just before tea we had the obligatory puncture but no trouble in the sunshine especially when your leader repairs it for you.

Where is Peter?



l left the group at Selbourne as they had plans for the steep hill at Oakhanger.
It was a great ride and nice to catch up with Martin, who used to ride with us on Wednesdays, and his triathlete wife Heidi (good luck in your challenge). The route below is from Dane’s GPS and shows that he did 100+ miles at just over 14mph.
I was quite pleased with my 92 miles at a similar pace and arrived home fitter than I sometimes am after a Wednesday ride. I didn’t get the chance for a beer at lunchtime but can’t believe that had any effect on how I felt at the end.
Highly recommended group. Give them a try.
Thanks to all.

Tour of the Hills – 17 August

John Murdoch



John Murdoch writes…


There is now less than a month to go before the Tour of the Hills, the Club’s major event of the year (and largest fundraiser by far), and one which is gaining an ever increasing reputation amongst clubs and riders.  image2

Whilst Don is “El Supremo”, it is very much a club event, which means that it not only needs club support to make it happen, but it is also when the whole club – riders from all the different groups, as well as current non-riders but still very much club members – can get together, represent the club, work as a team, and have fun.


The specific requirements are for:-

Marshals – it is essential that we marshal a number of controls, otherwise the event simply cannot take place.  All that is required is that you turn up at a specified point and sign the cards of all the riders as they arrive, also making a note of who has passed though.  The first control opens at about 10.00, the last just after 13.00, with early controls only needing to be open for an hour or so, but later ones (as the riders get more spread out, which makes the job of the marshal less hectic) needing to remain open for 3 to 4 hours.  If you can help, please contact John Murdoch on 01276-681131 or johnmatsouthview@btinternet.com; early applicants will get priority in choosing their control.

Catering – this word hardly does justice to the amazing spread laid on by Louise and her team, last year, and having established the benchmark, this clearly needs to be maintained.  That requires volunteers to help with the preparation and serving of the food, with stints generally being 3 hours or so.  If last year is anything to go by, participants will certainly have fun.  Please contact Louise on 01483-457739 or bridgethatgap@hotmail.com  to volunteer