The Elstead Audaxes [200,150 and 100km] will be held on Sunday 21st July and are run by our club from Elstead Village Hall. I should like a helper for serving hot drinks at the start and preparing cold food for the finish. Also, a helper to sign-in the finishers for the 100km event [from 1.30 to 5.00]. Please contact Nick Davison [
G-BUG (Guildford Bike User Group) open meeting ‘Guildford Cycle Network and Bikeshare proposals
Wednesday 12th June in the Council Chamber at Guildford Borough Council offices Millmead Guildford GU2 4BB, starting at 6pm. GBC has conducted two related studies into, respectively, improving Guildford’s cycle network, and a bike share scheme (similar to London’s ‘Boris Bikes’). In this meeting GBC Officers and their consultants will tell us about their proposals. Please come along to hear about this important development for cycling in our town and offer your feedback on the proposals. All very welcome.
G-BUG Round the Hogs Back Cycle Ride
Sunday 9th June. Please join us for a leisurely 24 mile cycle ride along quiet lanes and off-road cycle tracks. The ride will pass through Shalford, Binscombe, Puttenham, Runfold to Tongham then back to Guildford via the ‘Christmas Pie Trail’. Departs: 9.30 am from Guildford Borough Council Car Park, Millmead. Coffee at Puttenham and (late) pub lunch (optional) back at Guildford. G-Bug – The Guildford Cycle Campaign |
Not many riding now will remember John Harper, who died recently at the age of 94, his final years spent in a care home as a victim of dementia. He was a well liked and respected member of West Surrey CTC. John and his family were frequent participants in club rides and events during the 1970s to 1990s, he and his wife Polly helping in the running of some of them. His son James says, “the CTC was a very important part of his life, and indeed of all our lives at that time.”
He is in two 1975 photos in and in another in an August 1980 entry in Son James is mentioned in 1977 in and daughter Emma in 1979 in
In addition to his children he is survived by his wife Polly, who is also in a care home.
Dear fellow pedallers,
I know that all our West Surrey friends are up for a challenge and like something a bit different…….so you might be interested in the FNRTTC club, (Friday Night Ride to the Coast or the ‘Fridays’).
It costs £2 pa to join and they run monthly overnight rides from London (usually, but not always) to the coast, setting off Friday nights at midnight.
I did my first one a couple of weeks ago from the normal starting point, outside the National Theatre by Waterloo, to Whitstable in Kent, 67.5 miles. There were about 70 on the ride, of all ages, shapes and sizes, with a couple of recumbents and half a dozen Bromptons as well as state-of-the-art racers.
The organisation is fantastic. Two excellent leaders, male and female. A pep-talk at the start before we set off at midnight. Way-markers at every twist and turn. Tail end charlies who ensure nobody gets left behind. Stops for comfort breaks. A big break for teas, coffees, cakes, rolls and cake half way. The whole group waits while tail-enders help fix mechanicals and punctures. The pace was probably similar to our group 2’s or moderate 3’s.
If anyone’s interested, their website is:

The Evans Cycles store in Guildford has offered to put on a cycle maintenance training session for WSCTC members, at a cost of £20 per person. The details are as follows:
- This will be a 2 hour session from 6pm to 8pm on a Saturday evening (date to be confirmed)
- Session to be held at the workshop in Evans Cycles, Woodbridge Meadows, Guildford
- 6-8 WSCTC attendees
- 2 Evans mechanics to be involved
- WSCTC members can bring their own bikes (must be in good condition)
- Content to be decided, to fit in with the requirements of those who attend
Please let me know if this is of interest (or if you have any questions). We can go ahead only if we receive enough take-up to fill a session. It should be possible to arrange multiple sessions if there is strong interest.
Derek (07711 873924)