The Evans Cycles store in Guildford has offered to put on a cycle maintenance training session for WSCTC members, at a cost of £20 per person.  The details are as follows:

  • This will be a 2 hour session from 6pm to 8pm on a Saturday evening (date to be confirmed)
  • Session to be held at the workshop in Evans Cycles, Woodbridge Meadows, Guildford
  • 6-8 WSCTC attendees
  • 2 Evans mechanics to be involved
  • WSCTC members can bring their own bikes (must be in good condition)
  • Content to be decided, to fit in with the requirements of those who attend

Please let me know if this is of interest (or if you have any questions).   We can go ahead only if we receive enough take-up to fill a session.  It should be possible to arrange multiple sessions if there is strong interest.


Derek (07711 873924)

  1. Thanks to all who have responded on this blog post. I have had a few positively replies but not quite enough to make this viable I’m afraid, so I have contacted Evans to say we won’t go ahead at this stage.

    It might be possible to resurrect this offer at a later date, so do let me know if in conversations with other WSCTC members you think we might get a group of 6-8 together on a Saturday evening to do this.

  2. Thanks Derek
    I would like to attend such a session.
    Sorry I missed your post while I was out of the country in April.

  3. Hello Derek,

    I would like to attend this session.


  4. Hi Derek. I would be interested in attending.