Proposed club name change

Most of you will have received an email from Derek Ridyard on behalf of the committee including a paragraph on a proposal to change the name of our club to West Surrey Cycling Club. Most clubs calling themselves ‘X.. Y.. Cycling Club’ are wholly or mainly concerned with racing, and I suggest that our name could, or maybe should, differentiate us from them, by including the word ‘Leisure’ for example.
‘West Surrey Leisure Cycling Club’ is a word longer – maybe too long.
‘West Surrey Leisure Cyclists’ loses the word ‘club’ which we might prefer to keep.
Maybe you have a better idea.
Just food for thought.


Guildford Travel Club

Dear Fellow Cyclists,

As most of us are travellers, you might be interested in the forthcoming season of Guildford Travel Club, with illustrated talks on journeys from around the world (programme attached below).

Please note that two of our club members will be presenting this season:-
7th January 2020. I will be talking on a solo cycle-camping ride from Guildford to Vienna.
18th February 2020. John Weatherburn (grade 4) will be speaking on ‘Saudi Arabian Journeys’.
I hope some of you can make it.
Best wishes,
Paul Gillingham