Annual Dinner 2 March

Just a quick reminder that if you wish to attend the annual dinner and awards presentation on Saturday 2nd March, you should contact me in the next couple of days. We have plenty of bookings, but there is plenty of space for more. John

Annual dinner 2nd March 2019

As previously advised, the Annual Dinner and Awards Presentation will take place on Saturday 2nd March, 7.00 for 7.30. We will again be returning to the Princess Royal at Runfold, although this year there will be a buffet meal.  This means that there should be more opportunity to mingle and socialise.  It also means that the cost can be kept low, just £12 per head, avoiding a hefty increase that would have applied for a more formal dinner. The menu is:- Mains Meatballs in tomato sauceBeef and mushroom stroganoffChicken tikka masalaMushroom & spinach lasagne (vegetarian option) Sides Chunky chipsSteamed riceWatercress, baby gem and herb salad Puddings Apple crumble (by popular demand!)Profiteroles, chocolate sauceVanilla cheesecake
Please book your places by e-mailing me at, and I will advise how to make payment online.  As it is a buffet, a specific pre-order will not be required, but please let me now your first choice of main and pudding so that order quantities for each of the options can take account of popularity. In order to make sure that all members are advised of the dinner, I am also e-mailing all individual groups, so that if you are on the mailing list for more than one group, and have also signed up for alerts re Latest Posts, you will receive duplicate e-mails.
All orders should be placed by Thursday 21st February latest; why not do it today? John

2019 Fleet Flyer

Registration is now open for the 2019 Fleet Flyer event, taking place on Sunday 12 May 2019. 

There are three exciting routes to choose from – a c 20 mile family friendly route to more challenging c.55 and c.90 miles routes. All routes start and finish at the Everyone Active Hart Leisure Centre  in Fleet, with plenty of free parking and a cafe. The roads around northeast Hampshire pass through some glorious countryside; it will be well marshalled and signposted, with feed stations along the way. Included in the entry fee is 3rd party insurance for every rider. All riders must wear helmets

Using GPS devices

Laurie Mutch has written this excellent guide to plotting cycle routes using different route planning websites, and then shows how to download them to your GPS device.

To see the guide click here

Photo competition 2019

The committee has decided to run the photo competition again next year, prize to be awarded at the AGM. We are looking forward to seeing your amusing/dramatic/artistic photos.
Photos must be taken on any of our club rides over the next 12 months – so you’ve got plenty of opportunities to get snapping!.