I shall have the pleasure of leading the last of the Sunset Freewheelers’ rides. Let’s hope for good weather! All details available on website at http://westsurreyctc.co.uk/ride-groups/guildford-sunset-freewheelers/
There will again be two rides this coming Wednesday, with an “away” ride from Rowlands Castle to take advantage (we hope) of the fine summer weather in a lovely area. That ride will suit both grade 3 and 4 riders, with leaders being myself and John Child; we may combine the rides, depending on numbers and inclination. I nave not yet finalised any route, and as ever will adjust to suit, as best I can, the wishes of the group as a whole, but if the weather is good it would seem a shame not to head towards the coast. I plan to meet the train at Rowlands Castle (10.21 arrival) and ride from there to coffee at Stansted House.
There is also an advertised grade 2 ride from Ripley, but please note that Rico will be absent this week. With the experience of “his” group, I am sure that those who turn up will
enjoy a sociable ride, and not argue too much over the route to follow! – the Paragon Pub is the Percy Arms at Chilworth. It is also possible that there will be a grade 3 ride leader at Ripley, but as per the actual programme this is not guaranteed; to confirm, the grade 3 ride this week is from Stansted House.
enjoy a sociable ride, and not argue too much over the route to follow! – the Paragon Pub is the Percy Arms at Chilworth. It is also possible that there will be a grade 3 ride leader at Ripley, but as per the actual programme this is not guaranteed; to confirm, the grade 3 ride this week is from Stansted House.
For those who would prefer to do the original Grade 2 ride tomorrow, I will be at Pirbright at 0945 to lead a ride to Seale for coffee and the Paragon pub for lunch.
Do you need a break from your “head down, bum up” routine? Then, why not do like other West Surrey CTC members who typically ride with 15 MPH groups and join us for a 7 PM Tuesday night ride out of Godalming? New vistas (mostly because you’ll have time to appreciate them) and great company guaranteed!
Only three (3) more Tuesday evening rides on offer this summer: 22 July (Mark Waters), 5 August (Helen Juden), and 19 Aug (Louise Gagnon).
All details including meeting point, what to bring, etc., on: http://westsurreyctc.co.uk/ride-groups/guildford-sunset-freewheelers/
See you there!
* Note: Rides will likely include some off-road sections (gravel paths). Best to leave your £4000 sportive bike in the shed.
Please note that we are planning a very sociable ride next Wednesday, all rides (groups 2, 3, and 4) will ride along the Thames Path after the start at Woodham, and there will be no led group 2 ride from Pirbright Green. It is also worth a reminder that this ride is most suitable for mountain bikes or hybrids, and particularly if there is rain between now and next Wednesday ( and heavy thunderstorms are forecast), then narrow tyred road bikes are unlikely to be ideal.