If you would like to peruse the various documents before the AGM on Saturday, you can see them all here. (Click on ‘Read more…’ below and then go to the Minutes and Reports page.
Member Group or Affiliate Group? Views differ on this amongst our members. Click on the link below to read some of the arguments that will be presented at the AGM, and do feel free to start discussing the matter on the Forum prior to the meeting.
Ron Richardson’s funeral will take place on Wednesday 19th October at Woking Crematorium at 11.45am
The Annual General Meeting will be held on Saturday 29th October at the Jack Phillips [Weatherspoons] at 10am.
Motions are to be sent to me by the 15th October. Nominations for Officers and Committee Members should be sent to me [scanned documents are fine] prior to the meeting using the nomination form, which can be downloaded from the website.