Whitmore Common ~ Bridleway Event

The Worplesdon Bridleway Association are celebrating the re-surfacing of a large stretch of bridleway on Whitmore Common this Friday (18 August). If you use this common, located just north of Salt Box Road, you might wish to support this event. If so, please contact Philippa Wright, Chairman on 01483 560583.

Midweek Wayfarers ride 2 August

In view of the poor forecast for tomorrow, it has been decided that the planned train assist rides from Micheldever should not take place.
Instead, the following local rides have been arranged:-
Grade 3 – start at New Inn, Send (GU23 7AE) at 9.15, coffee at Polesden Lacey
Grade 4 – start at Normandy Crossroads (GU3 2DB) at 9.30, coffee to be decided on the day
Grade 2 – no change

Tour of the Hills Sunday 20th August – volunteer to marshal

The Tour of the Hills is the Club’s major event and requires a large amount of support to enable it to take place, including volunteer marshals.  Marshalling is not an onerous job, but an essential one, as well as being very rewarding; competitors in the past have been full of appreciation for the work of the marshals.   The event is now only 4 weeks away, on Sunday 20th August, so please volunteer now by contacting me at johnmatsouthview@btinternet.com.  Those first to respond will have the best chance of getting their preferred marshal post and time slot (early – 10.15 onwards, late 12.30 onwards), so please let me know your preference when responding.  Whenever you assist, please make sure that you visit Shere Village Hall and tuck into the superb food provided by other club volunteers, for both you and the competitors.
It is worth mentioning that the Tour of the Hills, although having a deliberately low entry fee, enables the Club to remain solvent and help pay for such universal club benefits as ICE (in case of emergency) cards, subsidies on club clothing, and first aid training.  It is therefore so appropriate that it is supported widely by club members.
Thank you for your support.
John Murdoch

100/75 mile rides Sun 16 July

Change of start location.

Although the cafe at Rokers is still open, the golf course is not, which means the cafe and the car park close too early for us to use for these events.
The event will therefore start and finish at my house, Hunters Moon, Weydown Lane, Guildford GU2 9UT. Parking space is limited, so if you can cycle to the start, please do.
Entry fee will still be £2 but this will include refreshments at the start and finish.

Happy cycling



gpx files

100 mile~2017.pdf

75 mile~2017.pdf


High Turnout for Elstead Audaxes

Warm and sunny weather prevailed for the three Audax events [Stonehenge 206k, Danebury 152k and Elstead 112k] run by club members yesterday.
Eleven club members swelled the high turnout of 94 entries.