Message from CyclingUK North Hampshire:

This year’s event will be on Saturday 23rd March.  The ride is organised in memory of Phil, a cyclist from West Surrey, who was killed by a lorry while cycling on the A3 in 2002.  Our aim is to raise funds for The Cyclists’ Defence Fund, a charity set up to fight legal cases involving cyclists but which now covers all aspects of cycling and the law.

The routes are the same as last year, and as usual there is a choice of either 50 or 30 miles starting from either 09:00am or 09:30am respectively, allowing more time for the longer route to be completed.  Medstead Village Hall will be open until 4pm.

This year is the 21st edition of this ride, and the 11th that we have organised.  After this year we intend to step back from running it, in the hope that some other club members will step forward to take it on.  To reduce the workload this year we’re introducing some changes around the receipt of donations.  Please don’t send any money now as we’re rejigging the handling of the contributions.  A second email will be sent out at the end of February with details on how to send your donation, along with an entry form.  As always, donations in advance are encouraged to help the smooth running of the event on the day, and for planning the catering.

There will be free tea and coffee before the event, and sandwiches and cakes are available for a small sum afterwards.  Pubs and cafes can be found on both routes.

We look forward to seeing you on the day!

Dan & Janice