I’m feeling a little guilty about abandoning the group 3 ride today. It looks as though I only started riding with them so that I could enjoy last week’s excellent Christmas dinner at the Scarlet Arms. Not true. Neither was it just because Pat was leading dressed up as a reindeer.
The truth is very simple. I was enticed by the offer of Apple Crumble at the Crossways Inn at Churt, plus the added inducement of being towed home, almost to my door, by that excellent leader John Murdoch. (This is not to assume that there are not equally good leaders with group 3 but so far they have never offered their rear wheel and towed me home.)
As to the photo. I shot ahead, being familiar with the opportunities this ford on the road past Little Frensham offers for a sometimes dramatic picture. It can be a very tricky crossing, as many of you, including our leader, know. Often riders dismount to take the bridge in order to stay dry, only to be thrown into the stream having slipped on the greasy planking. Sadly no such incident occurred today. Another common incident is for a rider to run out of speed having removed his feet from the pedals and then not being quite able to clear the stream, dismounts into the water. This happened to one unnamed individual today but due to my ineptitude I had failed to get the camera ready in time.
I offer my apologies for the photo of Don looking triumphant having foiled my attempt at getting an interesting action shot.
Following some very mixed conditions over previous days, the weather today was nothing short of spectacular for two days before Christmas: blue sky and as mild as Majorca. Your scribe joined everyone at the under new management Seale Coffee Shop, where some of us took our refreshments at a table outside, there being no room in the inn-side. (Note festive connotations!)
Our group, ably led by Pat, was taken to Shamley Green via Elstead, Thursday, Bowlhead Green, Witley, Hambledon, Vann Lane, Loxhill, Dunsfold and Cranleigh – a stupendous loop along familiar and much loved roads & lanes, with the bonus of a shortcut along a mostly tarmacked track between Vann Lane and Loxhill – sort of.
The Bricklayers Arms provided a decent sandwich for lunch after which the group dispersed homewards in various directions.
My ride was 63kms long with a height gain of 533 metres. Full details of the route here: https://www.strava.com/activities/455117853