Cycling UK AGM – Your Vote Counts!

Cycling UK (formerly CTC) has its AGM on 7th May in Derby. The motions to be voted on
accompanied the April/May issue of Cycle magazine as a pull-out sheet. If your views on the way
the club has been run over recent months tallies with those of your own West Surrey CTC
Committee, you’ll probably feel compelled to vote. We hope you do!

If you want to learn about the background to the motions, then you need to look at David Cox’s
article in the magazine as well as the full Agenda in the magazine. Plus you should really also look
at Standing Order 6 and also the ‘Orders in Council’ for which there is a URL link in the magazine.
There are several ways to vote: please read the form carefully for full details. Briefly, these are as

(a) By post, remembering that you must return the form, duly signed and completed to the address
shown, by Thursday 5th May, so please post them with a 2nd class stamp by Monday 2nd May to
guarantee their arrival on time. Remember, if you make the Chairman your proxy, you’ll be
agreeing to everything Council wants to do with CTC / CUK unless you state how you want to vote
by completing the form fully. Alternatively, you can make Chris Jeggo your proxy – see below.

(b) Online, by 9am on Thursday 5th May.

(c) By attending the AGM in Derby. This now commences at 11.30am, not as previously

(d) By appointing a proxy who will vote according to your wishes. Chris Jeggo is attending the
AGM and would be very happy to act on your behalf in this matter. You can either tell him how
you want to vote by completing your voting form as appropriate, or simply trust him to vote as you
might expect your fellow club member to. In other words, you can direct him how to vote on all,
some or none of the 17 agenda items and leave the rest to his discretion. Then send your form to
him at 27 York Road, Woking GU22 7XH by 4th May or give the form to Chris on next Sunday’s
All Day Intermediates ride, next Wednesday’s WMW ride or the GGW ride on Sunday 1st
May. After that it will be too late.

The future of your club is at stake; make no mistake that massive changes have already taken
place and more are in the pipeline. This could be your last chance to have your say about the future
of your club, so please don’t ignore this post. If you don’t really care what happens so long as you
can just continue to ride your bike with your mates, please at least go to the trouble of giving Chris
your vote.


100 mile / 100 kms Tri-Vet Rides with Fleet Cycling

Colin Waters writes…
This year we are running our first ever open event and have chosen two Tri-Vet rides of 100 miles and 100 kilometres to be held on 19th June 2016.Information about the rides can be viewed here

Briefly the 100 mile ride starts at 8.00 am from Hart Leisure Centre in Fleet and the 100 kilometre ride at 10.00 am. The rides will be led by our ride leaders in groups of about 10 entrants.
Refreshments will be served at the end of the ride and gels/energy bars distributed at two points during the ride.
Entry fee is £9.00 which includes the above refreshment but a hot lunch and beverage is extra at £6.00.
We would be grateful if you could let your members know about the rides.
Many thanks,
Colin Waters
Fleet Cycling

Correspondence address: 61 Victoria Road, Fleet, Hants, GU51

Tour of the Hills Catering “gros fromage” – Replacement Needed for 2016!

image1The Tour of the Hills event, held yearly in August at Seale and brilliantly organised by Don Gray, is the major source of funding for the West Surrey CTC.  Such funding is essential as it allows our club to partially subsidise a wide variety of things which are dear to us, from the purchase of club shirts, an occasional CTC membership for a member in need, first aid training for ride leaders, refreshments at AGM or club events, etc.

I have thoroughly enjoyed assisting Don by organising the catering for the 160 plus riders we typically get but time for a change after 3 years in the job so this position of “Catering Big Cheese” will become vacant in 2016.  Not much to it:

  • recruiting the best volunteers for the job (already a fantastic crew of 6 on hand!)
  • purchasing the food a few days prior to the event and delivering it to the hall on the day
  • overseeing the catering operation on the day
  • providing audit paperwork for all expenditures to the club Treasurer on completionAll in all it is a fun job and it only takes a full day on event day plus an extra 15 hours of your time prior and after to buy the food and do the accounting.  The event this year is on 21 August 2106.For the many of you with good organisational skills, this will be a walk in the park!  If you are interested or know someone who will, please contact Louise Gagnon at

CTC Governance Matters.

I am currently in Japan.  Lynette and I have spent a couple of weeks visiting our son Mike and his family in Tokyo, but today we took a train south-west to the tip of the Izu peninsula and my plan for tomorrow is to hire a bike and explore some wild coastal scenery.

Being away, I have yet to read the April ‘Cycle’ but I gather from facebook that it has generated a great deal of comment.  I hope the WSCTC Committee will consider the rebranding and the proposed governance changes and come up with a plan for action at the CTC AGM on 7 May.  I shall be going, and am more than happy to act as proxy for anyone who wishes to vote but cannot attend.  Instruct me how to vote on each agenda item, or leave it to my discretion, whichever you wish, but please, please vote.  Maybe the committee will make clear how it regards the changes, and possibly suggest action, to ordinary WSCTC members.

It now seems clear that if the recent actual and proposed changes, introduced in a totally undemocratic manner, are not challenged, then the CTC will never again be a club nor focussed on touring.  The current management have managed to achieve this because not enough members have voted in the past, so please make sure you vote this time.  The CUK Charity tail is wagging the CTC dog and I fear that soon all that will be left will be a disembodied tail wagging its death throes.