The committee has decided to run the photo competition again next year, prize to be awarded at the AGM. We are looking forward to seeing your amusing/dramatic/artistic photos.
Photos must be taken on any of our club rides over the next 12 months – so you’ve got plenty of opportunities to get snapping!.
After a long (and heated!) discussion, the committee finally agreed a winner for our 2018 Photo competition.
Over 60 excellent entries were received and it was very difficult to make a unanimous decision, however the winner was eventually deemed to be:
Derek Tanner

with his very wet ride photo.
You can see all the other submitted entries below – sorry if you don’t agree, but the Committee’s decision is final!
If you would like to join us for this adventure, please contact Hilary Stephenson for further information ( You can book rooms directly with the hotel with a 10% deposit and mention that you are part of the cycling group. Please let Hilary know if you are planning to go that we have an overview of numbers. Eleven cyclists have signed up so far. Non-cycling partners are welcome to join us and there are plenty of opportunities for them to enjoy walking or other activities whilst we are out cycling.
Happy cycling!
Hilary Stephenson
This is by far the shortest questionnaire I have come across for years. There is no excuse for not doing it!